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{Stella's POV}

I woke up sweating from another terrible nightmare. I rolled over to see it was 8 in the morning. I sighed getting out of bed and going straight to my bathroom. Brushing my teeth first then heading to the shower. I turn the water on and quickly undressed myself. I stepped in and started to wash my hair then my body. I scrubbed away at my skin because of the dreams I've been having. They make me feel gross and dirty. So I tried to wash all the bad energy off of me. After I was done I turned the water off and opened the sliding glass door to grab a towel. I dried myself off before stepping out. Then continued to get ready by doing my hair and makeup. After I was done in the bathroom I walked over to my closet and put on a black mesh top with a short black and white checkered print dress, black fishnets and a belt. I then added some black socks and my shoes.

Smelling food I walked over to my jewelry box to grab my silver necklace and put it on as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen

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Smelling food I walked over to my jewelry box to grab my silver necklace and put it on as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My aunt was cooking away. She had the table made and looked like she was about to finish up. She turned around setting our plates on the table.

"Good morning. I made us breakfast." She said going back to turn off the stove and oven.

"Thanks." I said softly and sat down as she sat across from me.

"Listen Stella we need to talk." She sighed.

"Okay." I waited for her to continue.

"It's about you and your parents." She spoke. "I thought a lot about it and I think it's time that I should tell you about them."

"Alright." I said giving her my full attention. But before she could continue there was a knock at the door. I took a bite of my pancakes and looked up at her wondering who she invited over.

"We're you expecting someone?" She asked me but I shook my head.

"No I'm grounded. Remember?" I told her taking a sip of my orange juice. She sighed and raised her eyebrow at me.

"Right. I'll be back." She said getting up and walking towards the front door. I stayed quite to hear who it was.

"Good morning. I hope I didn't interrupt anything." I heard a familiar males voice.

"Oh no..not really..." My aunt said. I furrowed my brows and waited.

"Is it okay if I come in?" He spoke.

"Ummm...I guess." She stuttered. The front door shut and they both came into the kitchen. I saw Roman walk in behind my aunt with a bunch of red roses in his hand as well a a bottle of wine.

"Roman..." I was completely surprise to see him. He smirked and looked back at my aunt.

"Oh these are for you." He said handing them to my aunt. She looked shocked at his gesture.

"Oh. Thank you Roman." She said taking them.

"No problem." He said as she began filling a vase up with water to put the flowers in it.

"Can he stay for breakfast?" I asked pushing the chair next to me out for him to sit. He looked back and forth between me and my aunt she nodded her head defeated. I was on edge as to why he was here but was too excited once I saw him. We all ate together until she broke the silence.

"So Roman why did you come buy..." My aunt asked.

"We'll I wanted to come by and apologize to you for getting Stella into trouble yesterday. It was never my intention for us to get arrested." He told her. She didn't seem convinced though.

"Why should I accept your apology?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Aunt May..." I spoke but Roman put his hand on my thigh.

"It's okay Stella....You don't have to accept it I just wanted you to know that I never meant to put Stella in harms way...and it will never happen again."

"Right..." My aunt continued to eat her food.

"Also me and my mom wanted to invite you to come to our gala tomorrow."

"Uhhh...why me?" She questioned.

"We'll because I'd figure from yesterday's incident that Stella wouldn't be able to go unless of course you were there." He told her. I silently ate my breakfast in hopes she wouldn't be upset that I didn't tell her.

"I'm sorry you were already invited to this...gala? When we're you going to tell me?" She looked at me with a serious face.

"I was going to tell you when Roman asked me but I guess it slipped my mind." I said playing with my food losing my appetite.

"We'll I'm sorry to inform you...." Before she could finish her sentence Roman spoke up.

"I've already got Stella her dress. I just really want her to be there and accompany me."

"Your a Godfrey.....Why on earth do you want Stella to join you?"

"I don't know she's just nice, caring and fun to be around. I would really like it if she could come." He pleaded.

"Damnit....Only on one condition. No funny business. Stella will attend and come right back home. You got that?" She pointed at him.

"Yes ma'am I promise." He said agreeing to her terms.

"Okay then." She said picking up her plate and putting it in the sink. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." I whisper into her ear. We pulled away and she gave me a small smile.

"Yeah it's a one time thing. Don't get use to it." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your dress will be dropped off tomorrow." Roman said as he picked up his plate and put it in the sink too. "I'll pick you up at 9 tomorrow." He winked at me.

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