All Good Things Must End

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* 4 months later*

"Y/n Baby your going be okay your gonna make it through this" Tony yells pulling your blood covered body into his lap. You were gasping for air. "Tony I don't want to die" you cry out. "Your not going to die okay" he says he tries to hide your blood covered body from the press. "Um... Happy go get Bruce or Nat just someone please" he yells out. He takes off his jacket and uses it to put pressure on your wound. Only to realize that the bullet went straight through you. "Shit shit shit okay it's gonna be okay." he says trying to calm himself down too. "Tony take care of the kids please." you say tears falling as you gasp for air. "Your gonna make it don't do that we're both gonna take care of them together and get married." he says looking down at you with a tear stained face.

You start to cough up blood. He looks up for Happy or someone's help. You then grab on to his hands. He looks down at you and you mouth "I love you" and with that you close your eyes. "No No Y/n open your eyes please for me I need you." he cry's out leaning his head into your shoulders.

*Two weeks ago*

"You ready to find out the gender of our little bean" Tony ask you wrapping an arm around your stomach. "Yes because then I will know how to decorate the nursery. Speaking of which we have to move Casey over a room because we need the nursery close to us" you say as you start to get out of bed. "Where are you going?" he groans sitting up. "To pee your little bean is sitting on my bladder" with that you close the bathroom door behind you.

A few hours later you are getting dressed and ready. You had just finished getting Casey ready and giving Peter his clothes. You hear a knock on the door. "Come in" you yell out trying to zip your dress. "You need help with that" you hear Nat ask. "Yes please I used to be able to do my trick but I wasn't prepared to do it while pregnant" you say with a chuckle. "So what do you think it's going to be" Lily ask. "I have a feeling it's a boy because I've thrown up a lot less than when I was pregnant with Casey, and I have had less acne" you say. "Well Nat, Bruce, Thor and I all think it's a girl, and Steve, Sam, Rhody, Bucky and Tony think it's a boy" Lily says. "I think Tony wants another little girl to spoil" Nat says. "Yeah he has definitely left me to picking a boy's name but has come up with a lot of girls names, I think he wants another little princess to spoil. But we have both agreed that no matter what the gender is we will love them just as much as we love our other two. Speaking of which where are they" you say. "Wanda is letting them hit the button to show the gender and she's letting them help set up decorations to give you less to worry about" Nat says and you instantly relax knowing that your other two babies are ok.

A couple more hours later it's time to find out the gender of the newest addition to the Stark family. The count down starts from ten all the way to one. Then cannons go off shooting out pink dust and pink confetti. You scream out excitedly hugging Tony. Then Peter and Casey come running up to you. You all share a family hug. "Are you excited you get a little sister" you ask them and they nod. Then everyone comes around giving you a hug and a congratulations. "I'm kinda jealous she gets his last name before me" you say chuckling a bit.

*Day of the incident*

You groan holding your back. "You ok baby" Tony ask helping you sit down on the couch. "Yeah it's just back pains and she keeps kicking me in my rib cage" you say. He gets down on his knees so that his face is by your stomach. "Bean I need you to chill out okay your hurting mommy." he says and she just kicks more. "She doesn't like your idea of stopping." you say giggling because she kicked were his face was. "Okay how about we have a date night tonight and take a break from parenting since you have been doing so much for the kids recently." he suggests. "Okay yeah but you know my rule we bring back some sort of food for them even if they ate already" you say and he agrees.

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