Chapter { 28 } : Fight

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Mirabella :

It has been 2 days since we came back from the vacation, and everything is going great.

I have spoken with Sebastian several times, and found out that he and leo have became quite good friends, and Liam won't stop teasing me about him.

However I haven't seen him since we came here, I hope I will today.

Oh, today is the day I'm going to fight one of papà's most skilled fighters.

I'm excited but worried at the same time.

My family is going to be there, along with the Spanish and American mafias.

I dressed in an all black outfit, and made my way downstairs.


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"Bambina... you ready?", asked papà when he saw me.

"I was born ready", I smiled at him.

"Okay, so... they don't know you're coming, so don't expect anything", said Gianni.

I nodded, I'm not really expecting anything from them, I shouldn't, I'm no one in particular.

"Alright...let's go", said nonno.

I made my way towards the front door, when someone pulled my arm.

I turned and gave Ace a confused look.

"Why are you doing this?", he asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "why do you mea-".

"Why are you seeking approval of people you don't even know, why?", he asked a bit harshly.

He thinks I want to make them love me.

I understand why he's angry, but I'm not doing that.

"I don't need their approval, so I'm not seeking for it....... I'm looking for my own acceptance, to teach myslef that I'm worthy of the love you give me", I explained softly.

"Bella... you are worthy of our love, nothing can change that, not for me, not for them, and whether you win this fight or not, your strength shouldn't define how much love you deserve", he said softly.

Maybe he's right, maybe I'm a bit harsh on myself.

Maybe it doesn't matter if I win this fight or not.

I nodded, knowing there's no point of arguing with him.

We made our way towards the cars, with Aspen and Akari behimd me.

After about 25min we arrived to what looked like a warehouse.

We went down way too many corridors, I'm sure I'd be lost if I was by myself.

We reached a a double door, with 'gym' written on top, nonno opened it, and we were met by a really hug two floor gym, with a fighting arena in the middle of the first one.

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