Chapter { 43 } : Please, God save me

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Sorry for this chapter in advance, I couldn't write more of it, because I was totally broken, and couldn't think more.

So I'm sorry again.

Enjoy lovelies♡.


Mirabella :

It has been a little over three weeks now, and everything is still the same.

I ate about only six to seven meals in that span of time, bread, water, and sometimes meds.

They hired a doctor for me too, he stitches the whip marks, only so they can open them again, and it's worse than just leaving them open.

I have a bruised body, like all of it, from my legs, up to my face, all black and blue, along with probably broken ribs.

And a broken soul.

Like he said, brick by brick he'll watch me fall.

I haven't seen him at all since the first time, he just disappeared, all I see is damion, and his pathetic men.

I hope my family is okay, I mean they still haven't found me.

And now I'm having these doubts, do they even want me back?

If so, then where are they, and what took them so long?

Maybe I should just give up.

Give up.

Give up.

Give up.

No one wants me anyways right?

Nah, I'll never give up.


I still have some straws, and those bastards won't have the privilege to see me crumble.

They have actually sent 2 more videos I think, one where they beat me to become the zombie I am now, and the other to whip some more.

Even though they did more than that.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door opened, revealing a grinning damion.

They let me out of the chair the whole week for some reason.

He crouched down next to me, while I didn't move a muscle, and stared at him blankly.

I haven't screamed, like at all, I just felt empty.

"Do you know how I feel today princess?", he asked with his accent.

I didn't answer, which made him smirk and grab my face, "I feel needy", he whispered.

I kept my emotionless features, while a man wheeled the camera in and left.

Weird, they always stay to watch amd laugh.

Somethings up.

While I was busy looking at the camera trying to find something else, I felt a sting at the side of my neck, I looked back at damion, to see him holding an injection.

"What the hell!!", I exclaimed trying to move away.

However he was already done injecting the thing.

Whatever it was.

Weird, he never did that.

He just smirked at me, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

He got up, "you know what's the problem with people like us?", he asked while passing around.

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