Ravi Ross - Smile (h)

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Bunk'd One Shot

You were the only child of the Ross household that wasn't adopted by them, it made sense though considering you had been dating Ravi since you were thirteen.

Living with the Ross' was anything but normal, and they had been your family for as long as you could remember.

It was pretty clear that everyone was surprised when the relationship started up, but they all got used to it over time, and now the whole family knew that you and Ravi were practically perfect together.

You had made the decision to go to summer camp with Ravi, Zuri and Emma, so far everything had been going pretty great and it was a nice change to the hustle and bustle of New York.

You and Ravi were sat at the campfire area, everyone else was off doing their own things so not many people were around.

"Do you miss home Love?" Ravi asked you, putting his arm around your shoulder.

You looked up at your boyfriend with a smile on your face, "A little, New York has always been my home and despite holidays, I have never really left it" you explained.

Ravi nodded in content. But out of the corner of your eye, you saw something crawling up to your leg.

When you realised it was a spider, you jumped because you didn't hate spiders per say but they weren't your favourite animal out there.

Ravi stood up as soon as he felt you jump next to him "I shall protect you" Ravi said attempting to sound serious, but you knew he was joking around, "I'm the bravest you'll find" he told you.

You had to hold back a laugh, but Ravi smiled when he saw your smile "Really? I heard you scream like a woman" you joked back.

Ravi pouted and pulled you into his lap "I do not - I'll have you know; I have a manly wail" he tried to defend himself, but failed kind of miserably.

"Well I am very lucky to have you" you told him, and he blushed "Plus that is just adorable" you smiled as you spoke.

You couldn't help but smile whenever you were with Ravi.


Written by Hannah.

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