~*Chapter 1*~

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Okay wow, I was such a carrot when I started this, so please bare with me. I promise it gets better. And god, this was only like my second fan fic so I didn't really know what I was doing. Yes, the beginning is quite cliche, but, it gets much better. So again, PLEASE BARE WITH ME.

Okay, enjoy now!! :)

I'm adding something else now. I wrote this story when I was 14/15. I didn't have experience with writing at all, and I didn't even know I enjoyed writing. Well, throughout the course of this story, I fell in love with writing. It became a passion of mine. Since then, I've been working so hard to improve my writing skills. I read back through these chapters and cringe so hard because of how bad I was at the beginning. No one starts off perfect. Yes, I know, there is some shit stuff in here, but please, for the love of God, stop hating. I don't want to be one of those people, but I'm getting sick of it. I worked so hard on this story, and am now currently working harder on it because I'm editing it. I know just as much as you so kindly like to point out, how much it sucks. Just bare with me, alright? It gets better, I promise. And once I'm done editing it in its entirety, it will be much, much better. You have to understand that I'm human too and your comments do affect me. But to those who have supported me since the beginning, thank you. Thank you so much. I would not be where I am today without you. You mean the world to me.


My 17-year-old self who's better at writing now and is working very hard to improve this story


Omfg so many people comment and message me asking where the first book is. This is the first book, lol. Everything gets explained eventually. Not every story has to start with them meeting and then their relationship. I wanted to get into the good stuff so I didn't feel it was needed. As I said above, bare with me. It stops being too cliche at about chapter 8 but the chapters aren't that long so don't freak out okay bye


Re- edited.


I drifted off into space, thinking about him again. He's all that has been on my mind since that night. I thought I could trust him, but I was wrong, so wrong.

"Alex, seriously, you need to forget about him," my sister, Jessica, told me. She sounded annoyed, not that I could blame her.

"I know, Jess, but it isn't that easy," I said with an exasperated sigh.

"I don't care if its easy or not Al, you need to get over it," she said and then left the room, leaving me to drown in my thoughts.

Lately I've been feeling really down. Today was supposed to be Harry and I's two year anniversary. My heart pained at the thought of it. I haven't been living under a rock, I know what he's been up to. His band pretty much controls the world and they are everywhere. No matter how much I try to avoid him, he pops up somewhere and something that he does will remind me of how and why we broke up.

I don't really like to talk about it. It wasn't exactly the best moment in my life, and I would like to forget about it. But I guess some things are easier said than done. My thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of phone vibrating against my leg. I quickly fish it out of my boot and answer the call, not bothering to check who was calling me.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, a snark tone laced in my voice.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" My best friend, Alexis, asked me. With a role of my eyes, I returned to my previous position on the couch.

"What a lovely greeting," I mumbled sarcastically, not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Alexis. She either took things too far or would annoy the shit out of me. I was not in the mood for either of the scenarios and just wished she would leave me alone.

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