~*Chapter 7*~

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Right now, we were all stationed around the living room of the boys flat. Lou and Lexi were playing monopoly and I was secretly watching. Lexi had just left to go to the bathroom and I watched as Louis not so sneakily took a lot of her money. I laughed to myself, knowing how pissed Alexis would be when she came back. That is, if she didn't notice.

Louis noticed me watching him and quickly hid the money behind his back. I gave him a knowing look that I wouldn't tell her. He held up a finger to his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I nodded and went back to watching the movie.

"Ha Lou, I am totally gonna beat you." Alexis announced proudly as she came back in the room. It took all I had not to burst out laughing.

"We'll see about that sister sledge." Louis said. I looked at him knowingly.

"Okay...." Lexi said as she contemplated her next move. She rolled the dice and ended up on one of Louis' big properties.

"Looks like that will cost you a lot. Doesn't look like you have much there..." Louis said, trying his hardest to hold back a smirk.

"What? I could've sworn I had more when I left.... hey! You cheated!" Alexis yelled, standing up.

"No I didn't." Louis said, keeping a straight expression. I was surprised at how well he was doing.

"Uh yes you did. I had way more money than that when I left for the bathroom!" Alexis yelled, stomping her foot. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started laughing and Louis eventually joined in.

"You loser!" Lexi yelled and ran towards Lou. She then tackled him to the ground and starting punching him as hard as she could. It was hard for her to actually it him because he was laughing so hard.

"Stop laughing so I can hit you!" Lex complained. This only caused both of us to laugh harder.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, appearing next to me suddenly. I was laughing too hard to speak so I pointed at the scene in front of me. Harry just gave me a confused look and went back to whatever he was doing.

"Stop laughing Louis!" Alexis tried again, but he completely ignored her. She finally gave up and sat pouting in a corner. After Louis and I settled down. He went over to her.

"I'm sorry Lexi boo. Please forgive me?" He asked, kneeling beside her. He was giving her his best puppy dog eyes. When she ignored him, he put his hand on her arm.

"Don't touch me." Lexi spat. Louis looked deeply offended and started to fake cry. It was actually quite hysterical, but I knew how 'serious' this moment was, so I didn't start laughing.

"Alex, Lexi's being a meanie." Louis whined, leaning into me.

"There, there." I said, patting his head. Lexi looked over and smirked.

"Boo bear! I'm sorry!" She yelled.

"Lexi Poo! I'm sorry too!" Louis yelled. They ran towards each other and embraced. It was quite a comical hug, because them being them, they fell down and Lexi landed on top of Louis.

"Ouch." Lou moaned.

"Sorry Boo." Lexi said, kissing his cheek. I stared at her in shock.

"Uh, Lex? I don't mean to interrupt your moment, but can I talk to you please?" I asked. She looked up, a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Sure." She said. Louis looked at her in a way I've never seen him look at her before. She scrambled off of of him and walked towards me. I grabbed her hand and yanked her into the kitchen.

"Well sheesh, didn't have to pull so hard." Lexi said, clutching my hand. I rolled my eyes and poked her stomach.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"What was what about?" Lexi asked, obviously hiding something.

"Don't play stupid, you know what I'm talking about." I huffed.

"No I don't." She said.

"Between you and Louis!" I exclaimed.

"Oh that." She said, a big smile covering her features.

"Yeah, that." I repeated. "Well?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Well what?" Lexi asked. She was starting to annoy me.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked anxiously.

"Oh, nothing yet. I want here to be though." She said, a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Awwww. How long have you liked him?"

"Since we met." She said, looking at her feet. My mouth gaped open.

"And why didn't I know about this?" I asked appalled.

"Because." She said simply.

"Because why?" I asked, pushing for her to explain more.

"Because I didn't think it was that important. He's dating Eleanor anyways." She said sadly.

"Oh Lex, I'm sorry." I said sympathetically.

"Nah, it's okay." She said, hanging her head.

"No it's not. Well figure something out." I assured her, pulling her into my arms.

"Okay." She agreed.


"Harry?" I asked.


"Why won't tell me?

"Tell you what love?" He asked.

"You know, the whole reason I broke up with you was because..." I trailed off, realizing I never actually told him why I broke up with him.

"Because why?" He asked, suddenly seeming much more interested in this conversation.

"Because... I constantly felt like you were hiding something from me. I mean, you kept going out and meeting with someone saying it was very important. But, I thought you trusted me. I thought you could tell me anything. But there is just this one thing you haven't told me, and I really want to know. I called it off with you because I felt that I couldn't trust you anymore." I explained. He seemed deep though, evaluating what I just told him.

"Listen Al, I really want to tell you. But I can't. When the time is right, I will." He said.

"But Harry!" I complained.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, seeming completely sincere.

"You promise to tell me soon?" I asked.

"I promise." He replied.

"Okay. Goodnight Harry." I said, and started up the stairs.

"Wait, Al." He said, grabbing my hand to stop me from moving any further.

"Yes?" I asked. And before I knew what was happening, Harry has shoved me up against the wall and his lips came in contact with mine. He kissed me hard for what seemed like eternity before pulling away and walking quickly out of the house. I was confused, yet excited. I felt my swollen lips, the feel of Harry's still there.

Damn had I missed that boy.


So... Yay, they finally kissed again.

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Dedicated to teenagerful because they guessed that Harry was keeping something from her. It was the closest to right answer.

Question for this chapter is....

What do you think Harry is hiding from her?

Love you all. :) xx

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