~*Chapter 33*~

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Dedication: MalikMofia

**Harry's POV**

Everything was happening too fast. I could hear screams, and crying. My vision was blurry from my own tears. I could barely see a bed being rolled away from me with Alex on it. I pushed people out of my way to get to them. I was shoved back as the doors slammed to separate us.

"No," I cried, falling to my knees. Tears cascaded from my eyes like an uncontrollable flood. They fell, and fell, and fell. I didn't know how long I sat there like that, but I couldn't calm down.

I soon felt arms hook under mine and lift me to my feet. Another set helped carry the rest of me. I was sat down somewhere and forced into someone's arms. Although, I didn't necassarily oblige. I cried into this person. I honestly felt bad for whoever it was, because they had to handle me like this. I wasn't exactly in a good place.


My tears soon became a calmer river, then a stream, and then an empty bank. I sat still as I looked out the window. My body was numb, and cold.

We passed car after car, trying to keep up with the ambulance. Louis had apparently convinced the police to let us stay with them.

"How are you feeling Harry?" Liam asked from beside me, placing a friendly hand on my shoulder.

"Not so well," I said honestly.

I could only imagine how Jess must be feeling. She's known Alex her whole life, and one of their recent talks was an argument. They may have worked it out, but I have no idea.

Images and visions flashed through my mind.

--A funeral appears in front of me. Everyone around me was dressed in black, and tears stained their cheeks. My own face was wet, and someone's hand was clutched in mine.

"We gather here today to mourn over the death of Alex Owens," a preacher announced. He was at the front of the church, a bible in hand.

At the sound of her name, my breath caught in my throat. Fresh tears fell from my eyes. The person who's hand was in mine let out a cry of pain. I looked over to find Jess. Tissues surrounded her, and her hair was a mess.--

It suddenly flashed to a cemetery.

--A coffin stood over the open ground, ready to be set in its final place. Many people stood around, watching the heartbreaking site.

"And now we place Alex in her final resting place,"the preacher from earlier had said. Sniffles and coughs were the music of this awful event. The coffin lowered into the ground, and dirt was thrown over it.

"You may say your goodbyes," the preacher said as he closed the bible. One by one, people stepped up to the tombstone, each crying. Jess went before I did, and she took her time. I kept my distance, but I watched as she had a difficult time leaving. She nodded towards me, signaling it was my turn. I approached the grave slowly. Kneeling down in front of the tombstone, I arranged my flowers amongst the many others.

"Oh Alex how I miss you. When you were shot that day, I could've saved you. I could've just stepped to the side a little bit and the bullet would have hit me, not you. It could be me who was in pain, not you. Al, just know that I will forever be sorry for that. I love you so much, and I will never forget you. Rest in peace beautiful," I said, taking many pauses to wipe at my eyes. I placed my fingers to my lips and set them against Alex's name.

I left after that, not being able to bare the sight any longer. --

I shook my head furiously, not wanting to think of all the horrible things that could possibly happen. But they were all that filled my mind. It was almost torture, and I wanted nothing more then to be with Alex. I need to hold her hand in mine, to push her hair out of her face. I need to tickle her, and make her laugh. I needed to see that beautiful smile that I loved so much. I needed her in my arms, begging me to sing her to sleep. I need her.

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