~*Chapter 3*~

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I cringe at this chapter too, it's okay.



I stood frozen in my spot. My feet felt as if they had been nailed into the ground. I heard footsteps and tried to move, but I couldn't.

"Alex?" I heard Harry call out softly. My eyes widened when the sound of footsteps grew louder. He turned the corner and our eyes instantly met. I held his gaze until my feet finally allowed me to move. Once I felt the freedom to move, I sprinted out of the house and down the sidewalk. I could hear Harry calling my name, but I couldn't stop.

No way was I going to stop. He hurt me so bad. He's not going to get away that easily. I picked up my pace once I realized he was behind me. I knew where I was going to go, and I'm sure Harry knew too. I looked behind me to see him quickly catching up. Boy was that a mistake. Me, being my clumsy self, fell flat on my face.

By then, Harry was really gaining on me. I tried to get up, but I hurt my ankle.

"Shit," I muttered, starting to crawl away as fast as I possibly could.

"No! Alex! Wait please. Just hear me out!" Harry yelled. But I didn't listen. I kept crawling as fast as I could. Tears stained my cheeks.

"Aley, please," Harry pleaded. He sounded so useless, and he used that damn nickname he gave me when we first met. He knows it's my weak spot. I slowed my crawl.

"Aley?" Harry called. I stopped then. The desperation in his voice was too much to ignore. I turned around and sat on my bum. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, burying my face so he couldn't see the tears.

"Al?" Harry said. I felt him kneel beside me. I then felt his arm slowly make its way across my shoulders. I honestly have missed this gesture so much, so I didn't shove him off.

"I'm so sorry Alex. I really, truly am sorry," Harry said. I could tell by the tone in his voice that he meant it. My breath hitched, trying to hold in a sob. It took me a while to respond. I eventually looked up into those beautiful green eyes that I have missed.

"I know you are Harry, I know you are..." I trailed off. I was so close to apologizing myself, because I knew not all of the fault was his. It was just so much easier to blame everything on him.

"I'm sorry too," I finally said. It was small, quiet, and barely audible, but I knew he heard it. A slight smile quirked on his lips, exposing his dimples for a millisecond.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked, hesitation clear on his features.

"Not yet. But I will," I said, as strongly as I possibly could. He was expecting a different answer. This was evident by the small frown that pulled at his lips.

"But I apologized," he said, as if it was as simple as that. But it most definitely wasn't. I shook my head. I knew this was coming.

"An apology isn't all it takes Harry. Actions will lead to forgiveness," I said. I watched as he evaluated this.

"Alright Al. I'm willing to do anything to win your love again," he said, seeming confident in himself.

You never lost my love... I thought. And it's true, I never stopped loving him, never will stop loving him. Harry stood up, reaching out his hand to help me up.

"C'mon, let's go back to your house," Harry said, a smile graced his features. I hesitated before taking his hand and trying to stand up. I cringed when I put weight on my ankle. Harry noticed and he furrowed his eyebrows in worry.

"Are you hurt?" He asked. I nodded. A smirk tugged at Harry's lips.

"Well then. Climb on my back," he said mischievously.

"What? No," I replied instantly, shaking my head faster.

"Why not?" Harry pouted.

"Because," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Harry's pout only grew.

"Because why?" He pushed, raising his eyebrows.

"Because," I said again, raising my eyebrows back at him. Harry let out a small groan.

"Al, seriously," he said, a serious tone in his voice. His arms had crossed over his chest and one eyebrow was quirked up.

"Yes Harry, seriously," I challenged. Harry let out an angry sigh, turning slightly away from me. It took him a minute to respond.

"We are not going to do this again," Harry said sternly as he turned back to look at me.

"Do what again?" I asked, although I had a feeling I knew exactly what he was implying.

"Never mind," he grumbled. I could tell he wanted to push this further, but he didn't want to risk anything.

"Okay," I gave in, not wanting to fight anymore. An awkward silence fell between us. I watched Harry closely as a sly smirk appeared on his lips.

"Get on my back," Harry said with quite the demanding tone.

"No!" I exclaimed, exasperated.

"Yes!" Harry shot back.



"Ugh, fine!" I finally yelled, climbing onto his back. If I was ever in pain, even just slightly, Harry would make me climb on his back. He knew I actually loved piggy back rides, although I never acted like it. But I would never admit that to him.

It took us about five minutes to get back to my house. Harry set me on the couch and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back moments later with a towel and ice.

"Thanks," I said after he propped my foot up on a pillow and put the ice on it.

"Anything for you," Harry said, shooting me a wink.

"Cheesy much?" I asked sarcastically. He gave me a knowing look.

"You know I love cheese," he said, his dimples prominent in his cheeks.

"It's in the fridge, smart ass," I said. He used to always make cheesy remarks like that, so he could have cheese. Odd one he is...

"You haven't really changed much!" I hollered as Harry skipped, yes skipped, into the kitchen.

"Neither have you!" He shot back. I rolled my eyes. Just then Jess, Alexis and the rest of One Direction came into the house. They were talking, laughing, and having a good time. That was about to change.



Sorry, not my longest chapter.... But at least I updated! Note that I update as much as possible.

Oh, on comments.... Please don't only comment 'update'. I'll update when I update. :)

I like meaningful comments, ones that really make me smile. (I occasionally dedicate a chapter to a random commenter. Keep that in mind.)

You guys are amazing.

Dedication to Tassia. She's my best friend, and an amazing writer. Go read her stories and of course follow her.

Love you all! :) xx

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