~*Chapter 12*~

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"Hello?" I asked after answering my phone. It was an unknown number.

"Hello Alex. This is your Aunt Jenny. I'm calling to say to stay away from Seth. He's dangerous. Stay on my side." She said quietly, and rushed. But that's all she said before hanging up.

"That was weird." I muttered. Her words kept replaying in my mind. 'Stay away from Seth, he's dangerous.' What the hell was that supposed to mean? I know I just met him and all, but I feel like I know him really well, in a weird way. He doesn't seem dangerous.... But then she said 'stay on my side.' What sides are there?

"Watcha thinking about?" Harry asked as he plopped down next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Want my aunt just said..." I trailed off, getting lost in my thoughts again.

"Well, what did she say?" Harry pushed. He tensed.

"To stay away from Seth. That he's dangerous." I said. Purposely leaving out the other part.

"Was that it?" Harry asked, getting more tense. I figured I should tell him the truth.

"No. She said to stay on her side." I said. I turned to Harry to catch his full reaction. His eyes turned to slits and he squeezed his hands into fists.

"Don't listen to her." Was all he said before leaving the room. I was confused and wanted answers so I followed him.

"I am so confused." I said, grabbing Harry's arm and turning him around. He looked at me strangely.

"Did Seth ever tell you why he actually came here?" Harry asked. I shook my head.

"Then I can't tell you. He has to Al. Oh how I wish I could, but that's his responsibility." Harry said, guilt evident in his features and in his tone.

"Okay." Was all I said. Everyone was hiding things from me. I'm getting sick of it.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, taking his finger to tilt up my chin.

"I'm just sick of never being told anything." I said. The guilt in Harry's features increased.

"I know babe, and I'm sorry. You'll know everything soon." He said, pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his shirt. He ran his fingers though my hair as a comforting gesture.

"Do you promise?" I asked, pulling away a bit so I could see his face.

"I promise." He said and leaned down, leaving a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Thanks Harry." I replied, situating myself so I was comfortable in his arms.

"Mhm." He mumbled. He lent his head on mine, and we stayed like that for awhile. He honestly gives the best hugs. He's comfortable, and warm, and strong, and amazing....

"Do you wanna do something?" Harry asked suddenly, sadly breaking our embrace.

"Sure, what do you wanna do?" I asked curiously.

"How about we go to the treehouse?" He asked, a smile creeping onto his face. I felt one take over me as well.

"I would love to." I said. We built this tiny treehouse together when we first started dating. It wasn't exactly the best built, but we worked hard on it. We have so many memories from that tiny thing. But my favorite was when he first told me he loved me...

**Flash Back**

"C'mon Al! Lets go to the treehouse! It will clear your mind off things." Harry exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the house.

"Fine." I huffed.

"Hey, put a smile on." Harry said, pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands out of the way.

"No." I replied, crossing my arms and standing my ground. He smirked at me before grabbing me around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Out me down!" I called, kicking my legs and punching his back.

"No! Not until we get to the treehouse!" He announced, the smirk on his face evident in his tone. I sighed.

"Should've expected that..." I muttered, more to myself.

"I heard that you goof." Harry said, smacking my bum.

"Hey!" I called. Trying to hit him hard. He was talking to fast for me to really do anything.

"Hitting me isn't going to stop it. Besides, your punches don't even hurt." He said. Once we finally got to the treehouse, he set me down.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Because I love you." He said. Then he leaned down and kissed my pationately.

"I love you too." I breathed once we broke apart.

**End of flashback**

"Why did you want to go the treehouse?" I asked Harry as we walked, swinging our hands back and forth.

"I'm not sure. It just sounded like a good idea." He said, smiling down at me.

"That it is." I said. It took us only a few more minutes before we got there. I climbed up first and Harry followed closely behind.

"Oh my gosh." I said, looking at how clean it actually was.

"Did you clean this?" I asked, looking back at Harry. He shrugged and smiled, indicating that he did indeed clean it.

"It's wonderful." I said, sitting the floor and leaning against the pillows.

"I love you." Harry said, leaning over me. I smiled widely.

"I love you too."I replied before pulling him in for a kiss.

"You know, this reminded of the first time I told you that." Harry said, sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah." I said, kind of dreamily. Harry's phone started to ring.

"I'll be right back. It's important." Harry said before standing up and climbing down. I sighed. There's always something to interrupt us.

"It's Seth." Harry said. "He needs to tell you."




So.... Look, I know my chapters are messed up, and I'm sorry. If I knew how, or could fix it, believe me, I would. I realize it's annoying, but I don't need 40 different people to tell me that.

Sorry, it's just. The majority of the comments are complaining about it....

I laughed so hard when everyone was just like, "Harry is prob gay." Nah, that's too easy to figure it out. I don't think anyone will. But I'll give you one more chance...

What is Seth not telling her?

Comment your answer and opinion. Vote if you liked this chapter and want more. Follow me for faster updates and if you haven't already!

Love you all. :) xx

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