~*Chapter 19*~

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Dedicated to Emma! Please go check her story out and follow her. :))


**Jessica's POV**

I clapped my mouth shut, not daring to give him what he wanted.

"I said to scream." Jake growled. He twisted my arm harder. I bit my tongue to keep the scream in, but it still let out a whimper.

"Do you feel pain?" Jake asked, lust still thick in his eyes.

"Yes." I whimpered.

"They why won't you scream?" He sneered, slowly twisting my arm even more. I stayed silent, tears started to form in my eyes.

"I said scream!" He yelled, twisting my arm so bad to where it could break.mi couldn't hold it in any longer. I scream erupted from my chest. Jake smirked, dropping my arm. I back as quickly as I could away from him.

"What do you want from me?" I whimpered as his tall from towered over me.

"That's simple," he paused, "you."

"Why?" I asked, so quietly I don't think he heard.

"Because I do." He answered. My body shivered as fear coursed through me. Jake stepped even closer to me, if that was possible. I felt his hot breath on my face as he took slow breaths. His fingers caressed my cheek in a creepy manor. He leaned forward, lips brushing my cheek.

"I want you." He whispered seductively. I tried to back away, but he was too fast. Jake's arm snaked around my waist, securing me to him.

"I thought you already learned your lesson. No escaping." He seethed, anger flashing through his eyes. I knew he already wanted to do something horrible to me and I figured making him angry wouldn't help with my situation. I stopped squirming.

"Good girl." Jake breathed, lips coming in contact with my neck. His hands roamed my body.

"Please stop." I whimpered. When he didn't listen, I begged again. "Please."

"No." Jake murmured harshly. His lips trailed up to find mine. He kissed them roughly. I didn't like it at all.

"No." I yelled, shoving him away from me. Anger covered the lust in his eyes. I didn't care at the moment, I didn't want him to do what he was going to do to me.

"What was that?" He asked, taking an angry step towards me.

"No." I repeated, getting angry myself. He charged at me and I screamed bloody murder, praying to God someone would hear me.

**Alex's POV**

"Did you hear that?" Seth asked, suddenly stopping. I almost ran into him.

"What?" I asked, looking around. We had just landed and were headed to get some food.

"Listen." Seth whispered. I listened closely and could pick up a faint scream.

"Is someone screaming?" I asked. Seth nodded.

"Yes, c'mon." He said urgently, taking off at a sprint. Harry and I shared a glance before following him.

"Harry, my knee." I said, coming to a complete stop. I bent over and clutched my knee.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked, bending down next to me.

"It hurts." I complained.

"I'm sorry babe, but we have got to go." Harry said, panic crossing his features. I nodded and stood up, continuing to run after Harry. I had a feeling whoever the scream was coming from, it was important.

over again // h.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon