~*Chapter 31*~

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Dedication: erinsage (go read her story. do it. now. go)

**Alex's POV**

I looked up from the phone to meet Louis' eyes. They were wide and scared.

"Hazza," Louis said, his breath getting caught in his throat. "We're leaving. Lets go everyone, in the car now," he demanded, jumping to his feet, and running around like a madman.

"What's wrong?" Jess asked, leaving my hospital room when she heard Louis.

"Jenny has Harry," I said. Jess' eyes instantly widened, and worry washed over her.

"Oh my god Alex, I am so sorry," she said, sympathy in her eyes and tone.

"It's alright. You are going to come with us though. Lets go," I said, ushering her out of the hospital.

"Shit! I forgot to check out," I said once we were all settled in the car.

"Alex, it doesn't matter. Harry is in serious danger, and you are worried about checking out? No, you're fine, we're going," Louis said as he backed out of his parking space. He was right. With a roll of my eyes, I sat tentatively in my seat. I knew it was a long ride to get to Jenny's, but I needed to relax.

"Sit back and hang on kids, it's gonna be a long ride," Louis said. He looked into the rear-view mirror. Our eyes met and he gave me a look of worry and question. I nodded towards him and pulled our my phone, calling Harry countless amount of times.

"Why haven't we called the police yet?" Niall suggested from the back of the car.

"Because I didn't want to make it a big thing. I thought I could solve this myself, but I guess not," Seth said sadly from beside me.

"Would it be a good idea to inform them now then?" Niall continued from the back.

"Yes Niall," I mumbled.

"Okay, you do the talking though. I don't know the full story," Niall said. I turned to him as he dialed the police number. He handed me the phone. After only two rings, someone answered.

"New York Police Department, how may I help you?" A lady asked from the other side of the line.

"It's a long story," I said. I could practically hear her roll her eyes.

"I have time," she said bluntly.

"Okay well. My psychotic aunt murdered my adopted parents a year ago. You see, I didn't know they were my adopted parents until a few days ago, because I found my real dad. She tried to murder me, but my dad saved me. She got to him and he's now in a coma. At the moment, she is holding my boyfriend hostage," I said quickly, losing my breath towards the end. There was silence on the other line for a moment.

"Location?" The woman asked urgently. I had thankfully remembered the address where my aunt had taken me. I quickly gave it to the woman.

"Our forces will be there as soon as possible," she said before I heard a click and the phone went dead.

"What did they say?" Liam asked from next to Niall.

"Their forces will be there as soon as possible. They will probably pass us actually.

"Okay," Liam replied, disappearing back into his own thoughts.

"How long do we have left Lou?" I called to the front.

"About two hours," Louis said. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

It was going to be a long two hours.

**Harry's POV**

"What did he say?" Jenny asked. She just had me send Louis a message letting him know about our where abouts. I don't know why she would, but I was thankful.

"He didn't respond," I said firmly. Jenny was currently hovering over me, watching my every move.

"Oo, so your little friend doesn't care about you?" She sneered, cackling evily.

"He does care. He probably wasn't expecting it and is on his way here now," I said confidently. I knew Louis really well, and that's exactly what he's doing.

"Why won't you let me message Alex?" I asked, instantly regretting it. Jenny's eyes flared with hatred.

"Because I don't want that little bitch around me anymore," she growled, her eyes glaring into slits. Her facial expression scared me.

"Do not call her a bitch," I defended, my protective mode turning on. "She is nothing of the sort."

"Whatever you say Harry dear, you are obviously blind. I have to get meet with someone now. Tootaloo!" Jenny called, waggling her fingers sickly in my direction.

I closed my eyes, wishing for the look she gave me to disappear from my mind. I was honestly scared to know who she was meeting with. It could be anyone really. It wasn't much longer before I heard voices outside my door. I stood up and walked over to it. Pushing my ear up against the door, I listened intently to their conversation.

"Where is he?" A new voice asked. It was new in this house, but I could've swore I have heard it somewhere.

"In there," Jenny replied in a hushed tone. It was clear they didn't want me to hear.

"What exactly is your plan?" The other voice asked. I was racking my brain to try and find out who it was, but nothing was coming to me.

"Nothing bad. He was mainly just a trap to get Alex back here," Jenny responded in a bored tone.

"Right.." The voice said. I could now sense a British accent. "I still can't believe I'm doing this," the voice said, a small sigh was dropped from their lips.

"Oh hon, you know you want to," Jenny said, almost overly giddy.

"No, I really don't," the voice answered, nervousness laced in her tone.

"Just think of why you're here," Jenny said.

"Because Alex left me in London, and she's a bitch," the person seethed. Alex left her in London? That narrows it down to a feel people.

"Exactly," Jenny said proudly. I rolled my eyes.

"It won't be easy," the person said. A small moment of silence followed.

"Oh it will though dear. Just think of how badly you want Alex gone," Jenny said, an evil cackle following. I gasped at this, quickly covering my mouth. They must have heard, because all was quiet on the opposite side of the door. I scrambled backwards as the door handle twisted. I fell over backwards, landing right on my butt. I looked up to see the person I least expected it to be.



Ooo, what do you think of that?!

So guys, I'm really sick. I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. I has to stop multiple times to cough, and I have a soaring headache.

I'm sad to say that the major climax of the story will most likely happen in the next chapter or two. Which mean, there's about 10ish more chapters left of the story in general...

Go ahead and cry, I am too.


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