~*Chapter 9*~

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"W-what? No, I don't have a brother." I stammered, my jaw dropping.

"You do actually. His name is Seth." Harry stated matter of factly. I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, no." I said repeatedly. There was no way I could have a brother and not know about him.

"Yes, yes, yes." Harry said. I gave him a look as if to say, 'not now.'

"How did you find out?" I asked, suddenly becoming curious.

"He found me actually. It was right after your parents... He said he saw pictures of you with me, but was worried about contacting you, knowing you didn't need that load on top of everything." Harry explained. I was too shocked to say anything. My mouth became dry and I felt weird. Harry must've noticed my dramatic change in moods.

"Here, sit down." He instructed, pointing to the side of the playground. I slowly sat down, shaking.

"Why did he decide now to contact me?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"I'm not supposed to tell you. That's his job." Harry said, throwing an arm around my shoulder to try and calm me down.

"Wait... So I get to meet him?" I asked, excitement and nervousness laced in my tone.

"Yes. He can't wait." Harry said, nodding his head. I thought about it for a moment.

"So, this is what you've been hiding from me?" I questioned, turning so I could see Harry's face. He nodded.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to stress you any further." Harry said.

"How long have you known him?" I asked.

"Since your parents..." Harry trailed off, knowing how upset I still got whenever they were brought up.

"Okay." Was all I said, needing some time to cope with this.

"I'll be back in a second." I said, gently sliding out of Harry's grip and onto my feet.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, standing up as well.

"I need a moment to myself." I said, starting to walk away.

"Wait are you sure?" Harry asked, grabbing my arm. I shook him off.

"Yes Harry." I snapped. I honestly didn't mean to snap. It's just overwhelming finding out you have a brother. I walked into the forest part of the park. I found a good tree and climbed it, getting comfortable. I found trees peaceful, so I would always climb one if I needed to think. Also, not many people thought to look up here, so I was usually left alone. I'm sure Harry would find me, knowing I would have come up here. I'm not sure though, since I kind of yelled at him, I think he's keeping his space.

After about 15 minutes, all I could think was, 'brother, brother brother. I have a brother.' That was literally it. I decided I had enough and I climbed down. As I predicted, Harry was standing a few feet away from the tree.

"I knew you'd be here." He said.

"Yup... Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just overwhelmed." I apologized.

"It's fine Al, really. I understand." He said, holding his arms out. I stepped into them and squeezed him tightly.

"Thanks for finally telling me." I said randomly.

"You're welcome." Harry said as we pulled out of our hug. We stood awkwardly for a few moments.

"Yes." I said. Harry gave me a confused look.

"Yes what?"

"My answer yes." I said.

"You're answer is to what?" Harry asked. I mentally facepalmed.

"My answer is yes to being your girlfriend again." I said proudly, smiling widely. I watched as Harry's features lit up and a huge smile covered his face.

"Are you serious?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"Yes because I'm glad you finally told me the truth." I said. By now, Harry was about an inch away from my face. His head lowered and we shared a kiss.

"I missed you so much." Harry whispered against my lips.

"You have idea." I breathed, pecking him once more before pulling away and intertwining his fingers with mine.


I was very silent the whole way back to my house. I had no idea how I was going to tell Jess. Actually, I don't think I will tell her until I meet him.

"Lexi? Are you here? I have something important to tell you!" I hollered as Harry and I walked through the door.

"What?" I heard her call from somewhere inside the house.

"It's important! Meet me in the living room." I yelled back, leading Harry to sit down. He hasn't stopped smiling since I said yes, and I find it extremely adorable.

"What is it?" Lex asked, as she plopped down on the opposite couch.

"First, Harry and I are back together."I said, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it. I smiled wide as I said this.

"Awwww! Oh my god. I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Ha!" Lexi chanted as she did a happy dance. I rolled my eyes.

"That's not all. I think you had better sit while I tell you this." I instructed. She listened.

"Well, what is it?" She asked once she finally settled down.

"I have a brother." I said straight away. She looked at me with a confused expression before bursting into laughter. I looked at her oddly.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, starting to get annoyed.

"You don't have a brother." She said, looking at me seriously. I looked to Harry for help.

"Actually she does." Harry said. Lexi's jaw dropped. I swear it could've hit the floor.

"And she's meeting him tomorrow."



I hope you're not mad at me for not updating yesterday. I just wasn't feeling it.


(I haven't edited this yet, so sorry for any mistakes)

Vote if you liked it/want more. Comment opinions and answer the question. Follow if you haven't already!

Lots of you were close to guessing her reaction. I wish I could dedicate this chapter to all of you!

Dedication to MyHeartsMistake because she is like my biggest Wattpad inspiration. I love all of her stories, okay? Go check her out.

Question for this chapter...

Do you think it's a good idea for Alex not to tell Jess about Seth! Why or why not?

Love you all. :) xx

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