~*Chapter 29*~

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Dedication: LaurynnHarrod (she read nearly all of my stories, voted, and commented. Thanks love.)

**Alex's POV**

"Am I allowed to leave yet?" I whined for about the 1000th time. I had been cooped up in this stupid hospital room for two days now. Everything in here was white, and I swear I was about to go insane. I'm pretty sure everyone around me will too because I won't shut up.

"No Al, you can't leave yet. The doctor said two more day," Jess said from across the room.

"What is the sorcery?!" I yelled, throwing myself back against my pillows. I barely saw Jess roll her eyes.

"Hey, I saw that. Don't you be rolling your eyes at me young lady. You haven't been trapped in the same room for two days, with nothing to do but stare at a white wall. Not fun," I pouted crossing my arms.

"Yeah well, at least you haven't been here for two days listening to your 19 year old sister whine and complain non-stop. Believe me, if I could get you out of this room, I would," she grumbled. I glared at her. She gave me an innocent look with a small shrug of her shoulders.

"What?" She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Shut up," I grumbled.

"You're grouchy," she scoffed.

"I'm bored," I shot back.

"Get over it," she said. She was starting to get on my nerves.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I could've swore I saw hurt flash in her eyes.

"I will go get him," she said, her tone quieter then before. I don't know what got into her.

"You rang?" Harry called, striding into the room. I giggled at his goofy facial expression.

"I need a hung," I pouted, jutting out my lower lip. He smiled cockily before kissing my lips. I giggled and pulled him in closer. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes. It was a totally cliché, perfect moment.

"I love you," he whispered, a giant smile on his face. I replicated his smile.

"I love you too," I breathed, kissing his soft lips once more.

"Alex, I need to do a check up. Your boyfriend needs to leave," Jill, my nurse, said as she walked in. I rolled my eyes as Harry stole one last kiss.

"Bye," I said shoving him off. He winked at me before exiting the room.

"God you guys are too adorable," Jill cooed, setting her clip board on the side table. You see, Jill was a cool nurse. She asked me all kinds of questions about Harry and my life. She was strict but cool, and I really liked her.

"Shut it," I said, swiping at her. My cheeks warmed as she gave me a knowing look. She performed the usual rutine, finishing earlier then usual.

"Okay darling, you're done," Jill said, clapping her hands together.

"Does this mean I can leave?" I practically begged, giving Jill my best puppy dog expression. She stared at me for a moment, a thinking face coming on.

"Fine," she huffed, rolling her eyes before leaving the room. I shouted with joy. Harry entered the room giving me a confused look.

"What's with all of the excitement?" He asked. I smiled widely.

"I get to leave this room!" I yelled. I jumped out of the bed, loosing my balance right away. Harry thankfully caught me before I tumbled to the ground.

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