~*Chapter 4*~

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"No, no, no, no, no, no," I repeated. Alexis and Jess had me in one room and Harry in the other, trying to explain what they did.

"Just lis--" Jess started, but I cut her off.

"La, la, la, la, la, la. Can't hear you!" I sang, covering my ears with my hands. I was acting very immature, but I didn't care. I was really pissed at them.

"Please Al?" Alexis pleaded, giving me her best puppy dog look.

"What is there to explain, huh? That you completely went behind my back? How you know I didn't want to see him or talk to him, yet you still brought him here? You couldn't have at least told me he was coming? How you betrayed me?" I snapped. I turned my back to them, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No Al, it's not like that at all, actually. We just saw how much pain you were in. Don't deny the fact that you never stopped loving him. I know that you missed him terribly. I couldn't stand to see my best friend like that! It hurt me to see you like that. I couldn't take it anymore and the only way I knew I could put a stop to it, was by bringing Harry back. Whenever you're upset, he's the only one who can truly make you better. I've seen him do it before. I'm sure you'll be thanking me later. Please, just forgive me?" Alexis said. She turned me around and I met her eyes. Tears threatened to spill out of them.

"I forgive you. But next time if you do something like this, let me be in on it, okay?" I asked. She nodded quickly and a smile appeared on her features.

"Best friends again?" She asked, throwing her arms out.

"Always have been, always will be," I said, giving her a hug. Then we did our classic handshake.

"Hey, am I forgiven too?" I heard a small voice squeak from behind us. I turned to see Jess giving me the 'look'.

"Yes," I said, messing up her hair. She glared at me before fixing it.

"Hey! You girls okay now?" An Irish accent called from outside the door. I chuckled.

"Yes Niall," I said.

"Okay then. We're coming in," he said, while opening the door to the living room. The rest of One Direction trailed behind him.

"Classic movie night?" Zayn asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Duh," Alexis said, sitting next to him.

"We need food," Liam complained, receiving a chorus of 'yeahs' from the rest of us.

"I second that!" I agreed. The others sat down while Liam and I went to the kitchen.

"Hey wait, Louis, want some carrots?" I asked, knowing full well that he hated them now. The joke was funny at first, but now he just wants to hurt anyone who gives him or even mentions a carrot.

"Noooooo!" He screamed, hiding his face in the crook of Niall's shoulder. I left the room laughing hysterically.

"Here. You pour these in bowls while I pop the popcorn," Liam instructed, handing me three bags of chips and eight bowls. I poured them so each bowl had an equal amount.

"Okay, now add the popcorn," Liam instructed. Each one of us got our own bag. It may sound like a lot, but we aren't even close to done. These were our old gangs classic movie night. We watched movies like The Godfather and Casablanca. We also ate a ton of food. Three different kinds of chips, a bag of popcorn, a bag of MnMs, a bag of Skittles, Milk Duds, cookies, marshmallows, chocolate, and much more. The sad thing is that we ate all of it.

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