~*Chapter 26*~

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**Alex's POV**

My real father and I stayed in our embrace for a long while. He gave great hugs. I had eventually broken down and cried into him. He sat with me and let me let it all out, gently rubbing my back while I did so.

It was honestly weird to call this strange man, that I only just met, dad. I can tell he regrets everything that has happened, and at the moment, I don't think I can be mad at him. He is definitely my dad. We have the same color eyes, and hair. Our noses are similar, and our posture is the same.

"Dad?" I said, my voice cracking. I looked up at him.

"Yes darling?" He asked sweetly. I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat before continuing.

"Where's mom?" I asked, barely above a whisper. Dad's facial expression darkened. His eyes glazed over in tears, and his body froze. He looked lost within his own thoughts, as if he were remembering something.

"Not here," he choked, trying to hold back tears. I sat up straighter and ran my thumb against his cheek.

"Where is she then?" I asked, afraid of his answer. He stared at the wall, unmoving, for about five minutes before he spoke.

"She's... Up there," he said, looking towards the ceiling. I instantly got what he meant and I felt my gut twist. I may have never met her, and she may have abandoned me, but it doesn't change the fact that she was my biological mother.

"I'm so sorry dad," I said, rubbing a hand on his shoulder. He sighed and lent his head down, letting a few tears slip. I wiped them away.

"It was better for her to leave anyways," he said, clearing his throat.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She was suffering. Cancer had taken over her life, and we were on the run so she couldn't get treatment. Not only that, but we couldn't afford it. She grew weak quickly, slowing down our progress. We had to stop every ten minutes to take a 30 minute break. But on one of our many breaks, she passed. We were in the woods, and there she still remains," my dad explained. It was clear he was heartbroken, and so was I.

"It was hard to leave her body behind. I tried to dragged with me, but her death had made me weak enough. I cried for days. I didn't leave her body for almost two weeks. By the time I had had enough grief, I was starving. Thankfully a man had found me and offered me food, shelter, and water. He was kind. I ate and slept, but left early in the morning. I continued on my way, eventually reaching the city. I stole food, and slept in alleyways. This was until about a week ago. I literally ran into your aunt and she said I looked well enough. I had no idea what she meant, but I soon learned. When she told me we were on the hunt for a girl named Alex and a boy named Seth, I instantly agreed. She told us your ages and what you looked like, and I knew it had to be you two. I joined the team, and we found you," my dad explained. I listened intently to the whole story.

"Wow," I breathed.

"Yes, wow is correct. It's been a long journey, but I've finally been reunited with you," dad smiled, pulling me into another loving embrace. I gladly accepted it and hugged him tightly back.

"Don't you hate me though?" He asked seriously. I shook my head.

"Sure, I may a little upset about you leaving me in another country, but after hearing your story, I could never hate you," I said, full of sincerity. He smiled, placing a loving kiss on my forehead.

"What about Jess?" I asked suddenly, my eyes widening. He never mentioned her in his story.

"Who's Jess?" He asked. That was when I knew. My heart sunk and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

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