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Guys, Im so conflicted.

The prequel for Over Again is so hard to write. (That would be why I haven't updated.) I want to think of a creative way for them to meet, one that's not cliché, BUT THAT IS SO HARD YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

Also, I miss writing that story so much. So my mom suggested something to me. She said to write a SEquel instead of a PREquel. That way, I'm not missing the story for it's still going on.

Oh how I'd love to do that, but I'm not sure how I'd do it. I want it to be good, not something expected.

So, I either need non-cliché ideas of how Harry and Alex meet for the prequel.


I need some time(possible help) on a plot for a sequel.

If I were to do the sequel, I could always write the prequel at a later date.

I need your help, because not only do I write for myself, but I write for you all.

Please, please let me know what I should do.

This is incredibly important to me, I hope you realize this.

I love you all.

Tiana xx

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