~*Chapter 32*~

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Dedication: random_carrot

--Lexi, otherwise known as Alexis, is Alex's best friend. Hehe--

** Harry's POV**

"Lexi?" I breathed in complete shock. My eyes widened as I took in the familiar figure in front of me.

"Hello Harry," she smiled wickedly. "Long time no see?" She snickered.

"Yeah," I muttered, still not being able to get over the fact that she was working for Jenny.

"How's innocent little Alex doing?" She jeered, making me sick to my stomach. The evil smirk on her face made me want to rip her hair out.

"She's well," I said, shock still in me.

"Well isn't that wonderful to hear," Alexis said sarcastically, making me even angrier. "She probably won't be so well once I'm done with you," she said off-handidly as she plucked at her nails. Fear rose within me.

"What do you plan to do to me?" I asked, moving backwards. Jenny and Alexis shared an evil look before they broke out in evil laughter.

"On nothing darling," Lexi cooed, making me even sicker. I was disgusted in her.

"What's nothing?" I asked, scooting even further away.

"Everything," Alexis replied, stepping towards me. My elbows slipped from beneath me, causing me to lie flat on the ground. Before I could move, two legs straddled me and kept me down.

"You're not going anywhere," Alexis said, rotating her head from side to side. I could feel my pulse beating hard and fast.

"Relax Haz," Lexi cooed, her hand stroking down my chest. She slowly lent forward and I stiffened. Her lips came into contact with my neck, sucking down on it lightly. I gasped, trying to shove her off of me. Sadly, she had heels on and one stabbed in me in the top of the foot. I yelped in pain.

"That will teach you to hold still," she whispered harshly in my ear. I froze, feeling as I'd there was nothing I could do.

**Alex's POV**

My leg shook quickly in nervousness as I chewed on my fingernails. The car ride seemed to be taking forever even though Louis was driving well over the speed limit.

"Relax," Liam whispered in my ear. I turned my head slightly to see he was leaning slightly over my seat.

"I can't," I said back. He gave me a sincere look before pushing back.

"Sing to me or something," I begged to the boys. They all shared looks before silently singing the tune to my favorite song of theirs 'Over Again.' (See what I did there? ;))

"Thank you boys," I said when they were finished. That song always seems to calm down. Although it didn't keep me calm for long. I tried dialing Harry's number again, but he didn't pick up. Worry and nerves fought to be dominate within me. It was driving me to the brink of insanity. I had to know if Harry was okay, and I had to know now.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Niall asked. He looked around hurriedly. I furrowed my eyebrows and strained my ears.

"No, what?" I asked, trying to hear better.

"A siren," Zayn breathed. I froze and a sliver of excitement jolted through me. I strained my ears harder and then I could hear it. Not just one, but many.

"Thank god," I said, clapping my hands together.

"Lou, slow down so they don't pull you over," Seth instructed. I turned to look out the back window. In the distance, I could just barely make out the blue and red flashing lights. The car slowed down, but not by much.

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