~*Chapter 24*~

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~Dedication: missmysterio because she's my best friend, we're going to be writing a story together, and she's helped me with some ideas for this story. :)

**Jessica's POV**

"Caleb! Slow down!" I giggled from behind him. We were currently running to find food. My hand was secured tightly in his as he pulled me along.

"Sorry Jess!" He called over his shoulder, slowing his pace down a bit. "We're nearly there." He said, and sure enough, we reached an odd looking food vendor.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked once we came to a complete stop.

"I'm positive," he said confidently. I shrugged and let him lead me. We approached the man working it.

"Excuse me sir! It's my lovely girlfriend's birthday," Caleb said, lifting our still connected hands to show the guy. I was blushing like crazy

"So?" He asked rudely. Caleb didn't seem fazed by this.

"So, can I get two pretzels, a large soda, and a large fry please?" Caleb asked politely. I had no idea what he was doing, because I knew he didn't have any money.

"Whatever," the man scoffed, getting our order.

"What are you doing?" I whispered in Caleb's ear. He looked up to make sure the man wasn't paying any attention before answering me.

"You'll see. The minute he hands us the food, run," Caleb whispered back. I was a little scared, but I agreed. The man trudged his way back over to us, sliding the food across the counter. Caleb dropped my hand, and placed a pretzel there instead. He then gave me the bag of fries, and with a nod of his head, we were off.

We could hear the man yelling behind us, but we kept running. It was kind of exhilarating. Caleb made a fast turn and I barely made it. We kept running and eventually made it back to where we started. When we sat down, we were both breathing hard, but laughing.

"That was great," Caleb laughed. I found his laugh absolutely adorable. I stopped laughing and just watched Caleb as he laughed, taking a massive bite out of his pretzel. He set the drink inbetween us, taking a small sip.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, breaking me from my trance. I blushed and took a small bite of my pretzel.

"Nothing," I mumbled, a small smile on my lips.

"If you say so," Caleb smirked. I lightly smacked his arm and we continued to eat our food in silence.

"I was thinking we could save the fries for tonight. They're really good, so they will make an excellent birthday supper," Caleb said, smiling widely at me. I smiled back at him, feeling special. Most people would scoff at the fact that we are having French fries to celebrate my dinner, but the condition I'm in now, it's perfect.

"Sounds wonderful," I replied, taking a drink of soda.

"I was also thinking of maybe taking a walk around the city? We could visit some cool places, get to know our way around?" Caleb asked hesitantly. He seemed nervous, making me like him even more.

"Perfect," I smiled. He relaxed and smiled back at me.

"It's a date then."

**Alex's POV**

I took a deep breath as I turned to the last page of my book. It was quite interesting, and I was sad to know it was over. I finished reading it, and sighed, having nothing more to do. Being cooped up in a room with nothing, was the worst. The weird man still hasn't been back. In fact, there's been no sign of civilization for hours now.

I stood up from the chair and made my towards the window. I swiftly moved the curtain aside to stare out. I was expecting to find the city, but no. Prairies and hills went as far as the eye could see. Even if I could escape, it would be useless.

I sighed, running an unsteady hand through my hair. I suddenly felt queasy so I ran to the bathroom, emptying my stomach into the toilet. I repeated this three more times before I could relax. I groaned, leaning against the side of the bath. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth.

I stood up and thankfully found a toothbrush. I scrubbed around in my mouth hard to remove the awful taste. I felt dirty, so I turned the tap on, letting the tub fill with steamy hot water. I rid myself of my clothes and climbed in, my skin instantly turning hot from the heat of the water.

I sunk into the water, covering my whole body. I closed my eyes, and enjoyed the relaxation. I breathed in the steam, letting it clear out my sinuses. I already felt better.

After about twenty minutes of just relaxing, a found a bottle of soap under the sink. I got my hair wet, and placed a small amount of shampoo into the palm of my hand. I worked my fingers throughout my hair, scrubbing it hard. I then rinsed it out and grabbed a towel, quickly drying my body before wrapping it around my head. I pulled my old clothes back onto my body and left the bathroom.

"Ah!" I screamed when I noticed the man sitting on my bed.

"Alex, I need to tell you something really important," he said urgently.

"What is it?"I asked hesitantly, keeping my distance.

"You're parents, aren't really your parents."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"They're not. The adopted you after my mother and I left." My heart froze, everything around me spinning. There was no way this man standing in front if me was my father.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," I repeated, running my hands through my hair. I dropped the towel and kicked it off to the side.

"It's true, we could take care of you. We were just so young, there was no way we could handle a baby. We were visiting England when you were born, but we had to leave you behind. We moved back here to finish college and such. We meant to go back for you, but we couldn't afford to," he explained, walking closer to me. I couldn't move.

"W-why are you working for my aunt then?" I asked defensively.

"So I could find you," he said, sincerity full in his eyes. I almost felt my heart break at how sad he looked. I believed him. He had to be my father. We had the exact same eyes, and body structure. We were so similar it was insane.

"Dad?" I asked, tears falling from my eyes, but a smile on my face.

"Baby," he said. I fell into his arms, and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.


And boom, the bomb is dropped.

What do you think of that plot twist?!

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