~*Chapter 20*~

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**Jessica's POV**

I ran quickly, keeping my hands against the wall to keep me from falling. Tears still streamed down my face, making it hard for me to see. The hallway was sort of dark, and quite creepy. I had found a staircase and ran down it, trying to get away as fast as I could. I was so scared. I felt myself falling and suddenly I was sprawled on the floor.

"Dammit," I mumbled, quickly jumping to my feet and running. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this airport, but I need to and quickly. I was afraid that someone was following me. I picked up my pace, soon coming to another staircase. I was hesitant before climbing it, scared to know what would be above me.

I slowed down going up the stairs, careful not to fall, and cautious to what I was about to be met with. When I reached the top step, I made sure to look around before completely emerging myself. I was faced with a large crowd of people, right in the center of the airport. I figured the coast was clear. With a shrug of my shoulders, I took off at another sprint, carefully maneuvering myself through the people.

I got weird and worried looks. But I ignored them and continued to push myself through the crowd. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran smack into someone. I looked up to meet the eyes of a man my aunt was with the other day. My breath caught in my throat, forming a bump. I swallowed it and quickly turned around and took off faster then I was going before.

I heard fast footsteps behind me, but I didn't want to look, afraid that I would trip and end up being caught. I didn't listen to myself, slightly turning my head to see the man I ran into following me. He was quickly gaining on me. I sped up more but had to keep that pace, knowing if I pushed any harder my body would quit on me.

I spotted a sign for restrooms about 50 feet in front of me. I pushed myself to get there. I ran my heart out, quickly dodging a large man. If it wasn't for him the man chasing me would have caught me. I ducked into the bathroom and hid in a stall. I sat on the toilet and bent over, taking heavy and deep breaths. It felt as if my lungs were going to collapse on me.

After about twenty minutes, I convinced myself it was safe to leave the stall. I opened the stall door carefully, looking all around. I opened it fully when I didn't see anyone. I stepped out and walked up to the mirror.

And man did I look like shit. My hair was in horrible nots, my make up streaking down my face. Lard cut marks covered my cheeks. I looked as if death swarmed over me. I turned the faucet on and splashed water on my face. I grabbed a towel and got it wet, scrubbing my face. It helped with the make up mess but I knew my hair was doomed.

I dug in my pocket and thankfully found a ponytail. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and called it good. There was nothing I could really do about the cuts. I noticed some bruises forming as well.

"Well isn't this wonderful." I sarcastically said under my breath. I looked back in the mirror and had to make a fast decision. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a window.

"Perfect," I mumbled walking over to it. It was right above a stall. It was empty, so I slipped into it. I closed the toilet lid and climbed onto it. I stood on my tippy toes. Luckily I could reach the window's latch. I messed with it for a minute before it creaked open.

It was extremely loud and I cringed, hoping no one else was in here. I placed my hands on the sill, preparing to lift myself up, but I heard the door open. I quickly pulled my hands away and crouched down.

"That stupid little shit! How did she get out?" I heard someone cry in frustration. I instantly recognized it as my aunt's voice. I gasped, but quickly covered my mouth and held my breath.

"I don't know. She was in the suitcase." Another female voice said.

"John and Jake were working back there, they wouldn't have let her out or let her escape." Jenny said, sounding exasperated.

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