Chapter 16

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No matter how long they waited for Jennie to come that day, she never arrived. Lisa already expected it to happen but she was still disappointed.

She's not blaming Jennie though because how can she be upset at the woman after knowing what the latter is going through? She isn't even aware that her children are still alive.

Today, Lisa took the twins to the mall to buy them toys, stuff and also to spend quality time with them since it was a vacant day. Heejin went with them because she was also free for the day. Besides, she wants to be there, in case Lisa needs help later. To be honest, Lisa is finding it harder to take care of the twins now that they're growing bigger and already starting to walk. If they were naughty when they were only crawling, they've become naughtier now at eighteen months.

They already like to explore the house. Plus, they became more energetic. They even hit each other sometimes but most of the time, they just laugh it off.

Heejin by the way had been visiting the twins for months. She said she was smitten by the two cuties. Also, she feel bad for Lisa that she had to take care of the kids on her own. So, she helps Lisa with the twins sometimes, especially when she's free.

Because of that, the twins would sometimes call her mama. She would always correct them though because if Jennie would know it, she'll surely feel bad. Besides, they never fail to show Jennie's pictures and introduce her to them every single day so that at a young age, they'll already know where they came from.

While going to the toy store, people were staring at them. Some were even admiring them because they looked like a family of four but little did they know that Heejin and Lisa are cousins. That would be incest!

They wouldn't think about it though because the twins literally look similar to Heejin. They would just think that she's the mother.

Other than that, some people who saw them even think that Lisa was just a friend who accompanied Heejin and her kids to the mall. Well, none of those matter anyway.

When they got to the toy store, the twins were mesmerized by the number of toys around them. Lisa put them down from their double stroller and let them wander around and choose their desired toy.

"Careful, Luna," Lisa told the little girl went sprinting towards a huge teddy bear. She then smiled at how cute her kids were walking.

Aelia followed her sister and they hugged the huge ass teddy bear. Lisa went to them while Heejin also looked around and tried to find toys she'll buy for the babies.

Lisa wanted to teach her kids something important. So, she kneeled to be on their level and she said, "Luna, Aelia, dada have something to tell you. Listen, okay?"

The twins suddenly went quiet and looked at her as if they were ready to listen.

"Dada will let you choose toys. Isn't that amazing?" She continued.

"Toys!" Luna said enthusiastically while Aelia nodded aggressively as she clap her hands.

"Yes but only three," Lisa said to them gently as she show them her three fingers. Well, she isn't even sure if they do understand what she's talking about.

They stared at her for a couple of seconds until Aelia said, "Mmmkay" which means she agree. Lisa then diverted her attention to Luna.

"How about you, little moon? Do you agree with dada?" She asked.

"Tweee?" The little girl asked while shrugging her shoulders, questioning why only three.

"Because babies and dada should practice being thrifty. Besides, we want to be rich so we could help mama, right?" She said, talking sense into her little girl as if the eighteen months old would get what she's trying to say.

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