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"Are you fucking kidding me with this?!" a loud outburst followed by a hand slamming on the table was heard, causing the four boys to slightly jump and turn their heads to their curly haired companion. The band was currently on a two month break from their 'On the Road Again tour' to record their fifth album, and to say that it was well deserved was an understatement, especially for Harry.

Weeks before their announced break, Nadine Leopold, Harry's girlfriend has put an end to their relationship surprising all of them, and Harry being the most famous of the group received a more turbulent attention from the media insinuating the breakup was caused by his intense womanizing. Harry had tried to woo the model nonstop but she just wouldn't budge saying this was for the best due to their conflicting work schedules. The stress was clearly taking its toll on Harry, but remained professional nonetheless and made sure to still give their fans the "worth for their money" as he always put it. Harry was also known to have a very great dislike towards cursing, so when foul words leave his mouth, the boys know that it means his patience had already reached its limits and they are about to encounter a British brooding hulk.

Louis stood up from the couch sighing followed by the three boys who were lounging in the recording studio while waiting for their music directors. "What's the matter mate?" Louis asked patting his friend's shoulder, though he can already guess the source of his discomfort.

"Take a fucking look" Harry hissed shoving the magazine he was reading towards the boys, while running a hand through his curls. True enough the topic of the article was about the breakup, only it wasn't an article, it was an interview of Nadine. There were various questions the interviewer were asking of the nineteen year old, like family background, religion, education and other personal stuff. They can't blame the magazine, after all Nadine was quite a beauty and had a budding career at the modelling industry, so she's pretty hot stuff right now. But as they skimmed through the interview, a set of particular questions caught all four pairs of eyes; of course it was about the couple's split.


Vogue: So can you please tell us what led you to break up with the dashing Harry Styles? It was quite a surprise actually and it seems he wasn't expecting it as well since he appeared to be quite excited for the summer to see you.

Nadine: Yes, I find it quite hard to believe as well but I know it's the right decision to make; since I had a feeling that he was cheating on me.

Vogue: No! Really? I mean how can you say that when it appears that he was very taken with you?

Nadine: Well, that's the thing, Harry's really such a sweet guy, but then again he's very sweet with almost every girl. It doesn't help as well that we're apart more often than not and I know with him being on tour, a lot of girls are throwing themselves at him.

Vogue: Yes but do you have any proof that he really cheated on you?

Nadine: Well there were instances that his phone would be shut off for long periods of time and when I am finally able to reach him there'll be a lot of girls on the background and that really bothers me.

Vogue: But can you give him a second chance? After all from what we've heard he's trying really hard to win you back.

Nadine: Well I really do like Harry, but I'm just scared to trust him especially with his past relationships. The only way for me to take him back is if he can prove to me that I can trust him.

The interview still went on for quite a while but the boys had already seen more than enough and needless to say none of them was pleased.

"What brought this on? I mean didn't she say it was because of work? Now she's insinuating that you've been cheating on her?" Liam asked shaking his head disbelievingly.

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