Chapter 29

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AN: I'm sorry I keep confusing chapter numbers when updating. Obviously, I'm not that good at keeping track. I've just seen their "That's what makes us 1D" song and I must say Harry is just an absolute cutie-pie. But when is he not? Right?

Anyway, thank you for the reads and the votes! :) You've got me smiling like an idiot! I love you all. Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy and please vote :)

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

Harry was twirling his phone in his right hand, biting his bottom lip, deep in contemplation. The boys were again seated at the airport, awaiting their flight, excitement present on each of their tired features. Last night had marked the end of their OTRA tour and they were now headed home for a much awaited three month break.

"Are you sure she's aware that you have a girlfriend already?" Louis asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Mate, it's not like Kendall's living under a rock, surely she's seen or heard about Harry and Selena" Liam explained.

"Makes sense, but Kendall never hit on Harry when he has a girlfriend. So why start now?" Zayn asked, causing silence to emanate between the 5 boys who pondered on Zayn's question.

It's been three weeks since that night that Kendall had sent him a text. Though they remained friends their bond was not as smooth as the one he shared with Cara, instead it was strained. He knew it was because the model still fancied him and wanted to give it another shot, while the hunk was flattered with her admiration towards him, he always knew that doing so would only be a mistake and a grave one at that. It wasn't just because he already had Selena; there were far too many chances of rekindling their old flame before but he never grabbed any of it, he and the model just shared far too many differences that he noticed in a small amount of time, which is why he chose to end it the sooner so to save what they still had and be able to remain amicable.

Harry gave out a sigh, deeply bothered by the sudden turn of events, having neither the desire of being a jerk nor to give out the wrong impression, the heartthrob didn't hesitate to send a reply to Kendall that night, politely declining her offer and informing her that he planned to spend the holidays with his family and girlfriend. He was greatly relieved when he had not received another text the rest of the night, but only to be cut short as the lady suddenly started texting him every day, though Harry saw no harm in the texts he can't help but feel quite uneasy for he very well knew that the vixen always had a great way with words and it seems she was thoroughly making sure that her messages were not bordering beyond the lines of friendship - to the naked eye at least. Having to reject advances of a lady was very discomfiting for the gentleman; one was because he always made sure to do it so nobly - yet proving so difficult with Kendall's current persistence and two was to lessen, if not able to eliminate all possibilities of awkwardness especially since there would be great chances of encounter that would most likely be witnessed and open for public scrutiny. This was actually one of a few scenarios that Harry was desperate to elude, yet found himself currently dangerously treading in, once this information landed on the wrong hands, he could only find himself shuddering with repulse at the outcome.

"What is it with you anyway?" Louis asked

"What?" Harry asked, confused

"I'm trying to figure out what it is that girls find it hard to move on from you. You're really nothing special actually so I'm guessing either you're really just that big or you're that great in bed" Louis said nonchalantly, earning him snorts of laughter, a smack on the head from Liam and Harry's middle finger.

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