Chapter 52

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I think I have to.

I think I have to.

I think I have to.

It seems Selena's mind had ceased to function as Harry's words dreadfully repeated in her brain. Even her lungs looked like it stopped supplying her oxygen as the walls felt like they were caving in on her. After what appears to be an eternity, she was finally able to speak.


"I-I don't have a choice baby" Harry replied, his strained voice full of shame.

Selena abruptly stood up, her eyes tearing up "W-what do you m-mean you don't have a choice? Of course y-you have a choice"

"I-I don't want to hurt you further love"

Selena's jaw fell as her eyes widened, almost choking on her words. She was seriously doubting her ears if they were functioning right now because if this was his argument, then surely it was going in straight contrast with his intention.

"So you think breaking up with me won't hurt me? That's completely unreasonable Styles!" Selena huffed angrily.

Selena was waiting for whatever reply the lad before her would comeback with, but all her expectations were eliminated as she was rendered speechless when he suddenly broke into a sob.

For a full minute or so, all she could do was stare at her boyfriend who was crying in front of her. She had seen him shed a tear or two, but never like this. She felt her breath being sucked out of her each time he gave a gut wrenching sob. It was so full of anguish and remorse. Having enough of it, Selena sat down beside him, her arms quick to wrap around him. She almost gave out a sigh of relief when he succumbed, after being almost certain that he would reject her efforts.

She could feel his hot tears on the crook of her neck as his head was tucked in it, while his hands which were on her back clung to her shirt like he was holding onto a lifeline. One of her hands cradled his head, while the other rubbed his back in soothing circles. A million thoughts were running rampant on her mind, but all she could focus on was the feel of him in her arms.

Just like his words a while ago, she too wanted nothing more than to fight for them. But if doing so would only make this angelic man suffer further, Selena found herself asking one question.

Would everything be worth it?

A lone tear escaped her eyes as the thought entered her mind. But even if she found it selfish of her, she couldn't find it in herself to let him go. She knew that no matter what obstacles they would face, everything would be a thousand times harder if she would continue without him, even if it meant the intrigues and prying eyes were finally to leave her at peace.

But still, she couldn't just see her future without him.

After his sobs had been reduced to soundless cries, Selena placed a little kiss on his forehead before pulling away. Grasping his tear strained face in her hands; she wiped the tracks with her thumbs.

"I-I can't do that Harry"

"Bloody hell Selena! I screamed at you, I called you a liar and accuse you of cheating, I ignored you and you're here telling me you can't do that!" Harry ranted out after he stood up, ignoring the feeling of emptiness that settled on him as soon as he got out of Selena's arms.

"And don't tell me you understand, because you shouldn't" Harry continued just as Selena opened her mouth to speak. "So what do you want me to do?" Selena asked with a stern gaze.

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