Chapter 38

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Selena ran like a madwoman towards her bedroom, totally indifferent that she was still dripping wet then made a beeline for her closet and started pulling out clothes arbitrarily.

"Selena are you done?" Zoey roared from downstairs.

"Five minutes, tops" she screamed, earning her a disapproving grunt; not that Selena can blame her for being impatient since it was her fault that she forgot to set her alarm last night. Thankfully, her school bus which came in the form of a boisterous blonde stormed on her bedroom, forcefully yanking the covers off her.

After struggling to undo the knotted mess on her head she can call hair, she then went to her mirror to check her appearance, thanking the heavens that her outfit was able to miraculously match and deeming herself presentable enough for another tedious day at school.

"I'm ready" Selena hollered with a smile on her face as she pounded down the stairs.

"About time" Zoey remarked with a roll of her eyes, sitting on the couch with her arms crossed and her legs crossed; finally standing up the moment Selena's foot touched the floor.

The two girls then grabbed their things and went out after locking the door, walking towards Zoey's car in a hurried attempt to dodge the rude comments and questions from the paparazzi together with the relentless clicking of their cameras, both of them releasing a sigh of relief upon swiftly entering the safe sanctuary of Zoey's car. However, to Selena's great horror, her relief was only short-lived upon realizing that she left perhaps the most important item of her possession - her phone. Rummaging through the contents of her bag repeatedly, defeat finally sunk on her shoulders after the fourth time of searching and finally comprehending that there is absolutely no way her phone is going to magically materialize in front of her.

How could I be so stupid?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Zoey asked, concern lacing her tone. Releasing a defeated breath, Selena answered "I can't find my phone"

"You mean it's lost?"

"No it's not, I saw it last night. I guess it just slipped my mind since I was in a hurry a while ago and it didn't help that I left it on silent mode" she said sadly.

Truthfully, leaving her phone behind was just a minor thing for her, being unable to contact Harry for a day however was not. It was too late to turn back for it also, since Zoey was already speeding on the highway.

"Oh sorry luv, you can just use my phone later to text him alright?" Zoey said, quick to catch on the real source of her distress.

"Okay, thanks Zoey" Selena replied, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Oh by the way, El wants to have lunch with us girls off-campus later, you up for it?"

"You mean Pez and Sophia are coming too?" she asked excitedly.

"Sophia is, Pez isn't sure yet, so you good?"


"Okay, so you want me to pick you up from your class or we'll just meet up at the lockers?"

"Let's just meet up at the lockers, I don't want to bring so much of my stuff anyway"

"Thought so" Zoey said smiling, earning another one from the brunette as well. The upsetting thought of her phone forgotten as of the moment, reminding herself that her sweet boyfriend will completely understand - if only that were the case as she remained completely unaware of the 26 missed calls, 21 voice mails and 18 texts, and still counting - all from the same guy, in just the span of one sleepless night.


Harry continued to pace back and forth, tugging at his hair and deliberately ignored the curious stares of numerous people. They weren't important and as of the moment nothing was, save for his girlfriend who may have intentionally or accidentally been overlooking his attempts of contacting her for the past 10 hours. Leading the lad to fervently pray that it was the latter, but whatever it was he knew that none could ever save him from the grief and panic clouding his heart than the sound of her angelic voice soothing him from the other end of the line.

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