Chapter 9

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"Yes mom, I'm all good, I promise. Is there anything else you need?" asked Zoey, anxious to get back to the booth.

"That's all dear, thank Selena for me. You should lessen the time you spend daydreaming about that Irish lad of yours to gain more focus of your bearings."



"I'm hanging up okay? Love you" Zoey said as she hung up the phone. However, just as Zoey was just going back to the ballroom, Selena's phone started to ring again. Groaning at her mom's incessant nagging, she answered the mobile without glancing at the screen.

"Finally" a male voice said, catching Zoey off guard.

"Who i-"

"Look, I know I made a mistake. But please can we just both be mature individuals and put the past behind us?"


"Selena please, just stop being so stubborn and just accept that you belong with me!" the voice exclaimed, making Zoey wince a little, but not wanting to back down as she finally figured out the identity of the caller.

"Well hello to you too Luke, but I'm sorry 'cause my best friend does not want to do anything with the likes of you!"

"Zoey, what the hell? I need to speak to Selena!"

"Didn't you just get the message asshole?"

"I don't fucking care what you think blondie, she's my girlfriend!"

"That's EX-GIRLFRIEND to you now dimwit, in case you've forgotten that you did cheat on her three times!"

"You don't have a say in this! One way or another I'm gonna get her back!"

"Oh really now? Well newsflash Chadwick she doesn't want you anymore!"

"I will get her back Zoey, or else!"

"Yeah? Or else what?!"

"I'm gonna make you both bitches regret it!"

Zoey cringed at Luke's threatening tone and the fact that he called them bitches, just proved how little he thought of his ex. Clearly if ever they would get back together the blonde knew it was bad news. But that is one scenario that Zoey would not hesitate to fight teeth and claw just to prevent it.

"You listen well Chadwick! Don't you ever dare threaten me and Selena again! And if I ever find out that you call her bitch one more time then I won't hesitate to chop your fucking balls of and shove them down your throat!" Zoey shouted before hanging up, completely infuriated at the audacity of Selena's demented ex-boyfriend; totally indifferent as a few people glanced her way, clearly having heard her outburst.


Selena was deep in thought as Zoey recounted the phone conversation she had with Luke a few hours ago, finally comprehending the reason behind Zoey's enraged behavior. In the two years that Selena had been in a relationship with Luke, he had never been hostile with her, he did have his womanizing issues but he never became physically violent. So what she couldn't really fathom is, why start now? True it was just a threat, but isn't that where all violence starts?

Selena sighed, not wanting to dwell on the thought any longer, the only thing she felt grateful about was the fact that Harry did not ask about the statement that Zoey had blurted out. Selena knew that the singer wasn't stupid and that he caught on even if she was able to block it from completely spilling out of Zoey's mouth. Harry had been nothing but a total and complete sweetheart when it came to her; the last thing she would want is to burden him with her problems when she was well aware that he's already dealing with enough issues on his own.

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