Chapter 42

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AN: I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging. I hope this chapter would somehow be able to make up from where I left off.

Also, the more important part, let's pray for Paris everyone, such a devastating news :(


Harry hurriedly made his way towards his friends, intent on having his girl all to himself - undeniably the best part of his night. Much to his irritation, he had already been delayed as some acquaintances and friends of his that he bumped into were keen to keep him occupied, showering him with greetings, exchanging a few words and asking for a picture or two. He wasn't a stuck up asshole and very much appreciated the attention from such wonderful people. He was just ardent on not making her wait.


A smile stitched itself into his face as he was able to detach himself from the company of Lily Collins and Emma Watson, relief washing over him as he got to his previous task. But after turning around and seeing the person who was in front of him, he knew he could never be more wrong.

"Kendall" he greeted in a forced tone. Warning signs were blaring in his head as he took in her drunken stupor, but could not entirely flee since the model was currently blocking his escape route.

"Harry, why I thought you've forgotten my name already" Kendall giggled as she pressed herself onto him and latched her arms around his neck without even a single hint of reluctance.

The lad immediately tensed at the action, they were in public for Christ's sake, not to mention within the vicinity of his girlfriend. He could feel her breasts pushed up against his chest and opted to look away, one glance and he was pretty sure he could get a good view of her mounds; especially with the flimsy material she calls a dress.

"World famous model, I doubt anyone would forget your name so easily" Harry stated, an evasive smile on his face as his fingers gently pried her hands off him and casually stepped back, crossing his arms across his chest. It seems he had to play her dangerous game before he could ward her off. Hopefully, he just had the right cards. His eyes cautiously darted off to a few feet behind her, searching for his friends. Selena was the first he was able to make out, her back facing them, his breath getting stuck in his throat as he realized the impression their current position would bring her if she were to turn around. Totally insouciant if he would seem such a douche, Harry had enough of sparing Kendall's feelings, he knew one woman was probably getting hurt in this scenario and he would be damned if he'd let it be Selena. Deciding to call out her girlfriend's attention, he thought it might be best even if the model would hate him. It was her choice, after all the gentleman had already provided her enough opportunities to back off, she was just plain stubborn to take them. So if he had to act like a jerk just to protect his current relationship, then so be it.

He had just opened his mouth to put his plan into action when he felt his face being turned by fingers that felt eerily foreign to him.

"What are you doing?" the lad snapped, his hand quick to push her hand.

"You were ignoring me" Kendall stated sweetly, ignoring his rude demeanor.

Taking a breath of air, Harry pushed a hand through his locks "I have a girlfriend Kendall"

"Yeah and she seems pretty occupied" she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"You've got to stop this Kenda-"

Harry's eyes widened as his words were pushed back in his mouth, which unfortunately was by Kendall's own tongue. She had taken advantage of the moment he had opened his lips, and probably thought it was normal to just shove her tongue down his throat. A groan left his mouth as he felt Kendall's knee, gently rub against his groin, which was still pretty hard from his escapade with Selena; her tongue sensuously exploring the cavern of his mouth.

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