Chapter 21

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AN: Oh My God! 1.8k reads! Thank you, that's really the best birthday gift ever! :)..thank you guys, really..So I'm a bit excited for this chapter, hope you are too :)


Two weeks. Two fucking, agonizing, painstakingly long weeks – that was the amount of time Selena had been deliberately ignoring Harry. His anxiety began the instant she first snubbed his call, worry eating at his insides but chose to ignore it when she said she was just tied up with schoolwork. But when her replies began to lessen and each one colder than the last, frustration and restlessness gripped him with a cold hand. He knew he couldn't blame her, he did hesitate to tell her his companions at the party, an action that he thought innocent that time yet now found himself filled with remorse for the foolish act – one that might have led her to believe he was indeed seeing other women on tour. He didn't give a damn about who the model stayed with during the night but he was downright pissed when she did not release any form of statement to reject the issue, making it seem true. All he did was chat with her outside the party when she was about to leave and just when he politely excused himself to get back inside the model decided to close the gap and give him a small peck on the cheek, completely caught off guard, all he could do was awkwardly give her a hug – an action that he made sure to be within the lines of friendliness but obviously got misinterpreted with the media's twisted perception.

It did not help as well that the paparazzi had constantly followed Selena after the falsity had broken out, obviously waiting for her to have a meltdown in public for their further scrutiny. It almost made Harry proud that she was not giving them that satisfaction, greeting them with a fake smile and graciously evading their questions, but the pain in her eyes was real and undeniable – one that slapped Harry with a brick, knowing that he was the cause for it and one that he hoped in all his might to be able to ease but to no avail as the beauty continued to dodge his attempts.

Harry's knuckles were undoubtedly busted as he continued to mercilessly pound on the punching bag – it was after all, the only thing he could do to prevent himself from taking the next flight to London and abandon their tour.

"It's a good thing God did not make me a punching bag"

Harry rolled his eyes as he heard the unmistakable voice of Louis, though a sincere smile had been absent from his face the entire two weeks, he had the great desire to praise his best mate for his relentless attempts of putting one on his lips.

"Louis" Harry said, turning around to face his friend.

"Mate it's already 2AM and we still have a concert this evening, you need to rest, yeah?"

"Which makes me wonder why you're here as well"

"What? I needed to go to the loo"

"Here at the gym?" Harry asked an amused smirk on his face only to be met with an attempt of innocence and a shrug of shoulders from the blue eyed boy.

Sighing, Harry removed the already tattered gloves (which would evidently add to his hotel bill - again) and sat down on the bench, cradling his head down on his hands as he rested his elbows on his knees. "What do I do Lou?"

"She still hasn't answered your calls?" Louis asked, sitting down beside his mate.

"Not a single one"

"And her texts?"

Harry sighed in defeat, before saying "Her last reply was thirteen hours ago, telling me she's busy"

"It seems she really got upset"

"Stupid, fucking media" Harry said, weaving a hand through his hair, then continued with his rant not caring if he sounded such a girl "Would you believe I would much rather prefer that she nag at me right now than to ignore me?" he asked facing his mate.

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