Chapter 50

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Selena stirred from her sleep, still fully unable to surmise what it was that woke her from her slumber. After blinking her eyes multiple times and finally stabilizing her vision, she was unfazed by the dark surrounding her. Actually, she wasn't even surprised that she fell asleep in the first place. It seemed quite too long since she had enjoyed a peaceful sleep and now that she was able to, the brunette was still reluctant to get up; her body had yet to recuperate after all. Sitting up, she gave out a little stretch at the same time a yawn escaped her lips. She then stood up and gathered the cleaning materials that she was yet to put on their respective places when her phone beeped, gathering her attention.

Needless to say, she now knew what had been responsible for rousing her.

"Fuck" Selena hissed as her knees accidentally bumped against the center table in her haste. But apart from her foul mouth, she paid it no further heed as her hand continued to stretch out and reach for the gadget.

She could feel her heart start to wreak havoc within her chest as her fingers were finally able to close in on the metal item. Disappointment was quick to settle on her upon seeing the new messages from her mom and Zoey both asking questions of her current state. Despite the looming grief within her, a smile still managed to form on her face as she proceeded to read their messages. True, it did not come from the person she most longed for right now, but they were still two of the most important people in her life and them finding time to text her greatly warmed her heart.

Typing a quick reply to them both, she then bent down to pick up the supplies again and proceeded with her stalled task. After finally being able to put them back in their rightful storage, she gave out a sigh that was in between the mixture of exhaustion and melancholy. She wanted nothing more than to fix their seemingly stagnant relationship, but she did not know how and frankly she did not know if she should be the one to do so.

Even if their last conversation ended at the wrong foot, Selena had been adamant on giving him a decision. It wasn't even a grave one, but that made it all the more terrifying for her. If Harry was intent on keeping silent after her statement, did that mean that he really did not want to speak to her anymore?

The brunette gave a shudder at her last thought, her body instantly left feeling cold. Before she could further dwell on the matter however, a loud growl was heard from her stomach. She almost started to become confused, until she realized that it had already been a full eight hours since she last ate. Aside from actually being famished, she was also grateful for the distraction it brought as she decided to busy herself with preparing her dinner. Another thing she realized to be thankful for was her appetite, for the first time it did not go into a funk despite being heavily stressed. After fixing a simple meal, the female decided to eat in front of her television, intent on occupying herself with any distraction. An ad was currently playing as she started to eat her dinner, glad that a lame commercial was able to call her attention. But her relief was short-lived as the current program had resumed after its short break. She felt the need to curse herself at her stupidity. How could she have not taken note of the TV schedule? Was it really her fate to suffer the intrigues of the entertainment news?

But no matter how she despised it, she did not have the strength to switch the channels anymore and instead found her full attention now focused on the images of her boyfriend being displayed on the screen.

Her heart clenched as she watched his distraught form, his handsome face marred by extreme exhaustion. She had never seen him so withdrawn. Yet even if his eyes were clouded by weariness, a smile was still present on his face as he greeted fans and posed with them for pictures.

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя