Chapter 17

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AN: Oh My God, Thank you so much lovelies, never expected for my fic to gain such positive feedback from you guys! Thank you! :)


The sun was already up with its rays gently seeping through the curtains, but all of that lay unnoticed to an oblivious brunette as she lay sleeping peacefully under the covers, but not for long as a very impatiently curious blonde decided she was having none of it anymore.

"What the hell?" Selena yelled angrily after being swatted by a pillow right on the face, effectively wiping remnants of her slumber away.

"Oh cut the crap Sel, you know you owe me details and besides we're gonna be late for the enrollment if you don't pick up your ass from the mattress"

"My ass is perfectly attached, thank you" Selena answered matter-of-factly, glaring at her blonde excuse of a best friend as she stood up.

"So first things first" Zoey said with a smug look on her face, making Selena raise an eyebrow "I was wondering where the box of that delectable Parisian macaroons sitting in the fridge came from?"

"Oh uhm, Harry bought it for you" Selena explained timidly, knowing what was to come next and that she was now unable to worm her way out of it.

"O-kay, so where exactly did he buy it?" Zoey asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Zoey, I think you already have an idea where"

"I think I do, but I would like some confirmation"

Selena groaned, fully aware that the answer would lead to a migraine afterwards "He bought it from the Le Jules Verne" and true enough it was, as Zoey abruptly started squealing and jumping like a maniac, causing Selena to cover her ears but smile at the memory of the previous night "He brought you to Paris, oh he's so sweet – But not as sweet as Niall of course!" Zoey squealed all in one breath.

After a few moments, Zoey halted her actions, but when she turned to face Selena, the brunette knew that there was something more in store for her and it's way worse than before – probably haemorrhage. "So" Zoey said, making Selena's gut twist in knots "Did he kiss you?"

Selena was unable to answer the question, but the reddening of her cheeks was enough confirmation for the blonde as she started to act like a banshee on its period and the effect was worse than having your head bashed between two boulders.


"So all set?" Zoey asked as she grabbed her bag

"Aren't we going to take your car?" Selena asked confused

"Nah, Perrie made it clear that she was driving so we're taking the train" Zoey explained as she turned the knob, which made both girls groan immediately as they took in the sight before them. Paparazzi.

The two girls instinctively put on their sunglasses as they made their way out, irritated by the hordes of blinding lights flashing their way and as if that's not enough, the questions began.

"Hi girls, is it true that you are dating the boys?"

Selena smiled at the reporters, out of custom, thinking that was enough of an answer and maybe just maybe a hint for the pests to leave them alone. Hey a girl can dream right? But as soon as the thought entered her mind, it was immediately squashed like a bug along with her smile as the next questions fired up.

"The boys are used to dating models and celebrities; do you think you can match to their standards?"

"Selena do you think you can hold Harry's interest for so long? What can you say about his player status?"

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now