Chapter 24

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AN: 2.8k reads?! WTF, I am blown away! Thank you guys, really! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter, fluff :)

Selena sat down on the bed, biting her lip in deep contemplation. She and Zoey were bound to leave tomorrow for London and the two girls were almost done with their packing save for some clothes and few other items that seemed necessary for their remaining time in LA.

"Hey sweetie"

A smile instantly appeared on Selena's face upon seeing her mom entering her room "Hey mom" she greeted as the older woman sat down on the bed beside her.

"So, you're done packing?"

"Almost" Selena answered as she gestured around her.

"How could it be three days already? I'm going to miss you" Mandy said tearing up.

"Mom!" Selena scolded as she put her arms around her mom.

"Sorry, I'm just going to miss my baby again" Mandy said, blinking back tears as the two women untangled their arms from each other.

"So how are you?" Mandy continued.

"I'm goo-"

"Selena, how are you really and don't tell me you're good 'cause I know you're not!"

Selena sighed, dreading this conversation but knew perfectly well that she won't be able to elude it any further "I just don't think it's a good idea"

"Lena" Mandy sighed as well "Why are you doing this? I'm your mom and you can't hide it from me, I know you're already in love with him, so why are you so insistent on pushing him away?"

"Mom I'm not good for him okay?" Selena said standing up

"And how would you know that?"

"Mom he's been with models and celebrities, clearly a nobody like me won't be able to keep him interested for long."

"Lena, if you think that boy is not serious with you then I clearly don't think you've seen his attempts of wooing you"

Selena bit her lip, having no idea what to say.

"Why don't you give it a try dear? Or perhaps just talk to him tonight and just be completely honest with each other?

"That's the thing mom, I don't even think it's a good idea for me to go to the concert"

"Why not?"

"Mom, Harry and I already talked yesterday and nothing's gonna change my mind, meeting up later is just no use and will be prolonging the agony"

"It's no use because you're not talking to him, you're not even hearing him out all you're doing is avoiding him"

"Shouldn't you be siding with me? I am your daughter you know"

"If you're a spoiled brat I would be, but I didn't raise you to be one, so no" Mandy said matter-of-factly, earning an eye roll from the younger woman, then continued "Besides, if you really think meeting up with him tonight is such a bad idea then you shouldn't have said yes"

Selena was unable to help the blush that spread across her cheeks at her mom's statement as it prompted the memory that had triggered her to say yes to Harry. Mandy raised an amused eyebrow at her now scarlet daughter but had no chance of interrogating her as Zoey suddenly barged in, much to the relief of Selena.

"Oh sorry, I was just going to get something" Zoey said timidly

"It's okay" Selena said too quickly and eagerly, making Mandy roll her eyes this time. "What do you need anyway?" Selena asked.

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