Chapter 53

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Selena's face broke out into a smile as she stared at the sleeping man beside her. His mouth was partially open as soft snores occasionally sounded from his plump, pink lips. Little ringlets were scattered on his handsome face and even though they were obscuring some of his features, ironically enough, to her, it just made him look all the more perfect.

It reminded her of his unique ability to look effortlessly beautiful, even in the most disgraceful of scenarios.

Her eyes trailed down at the hard contours of his naked torso that seemed to produce a light glow against the soft, warm morning light. She felt a certain warmth bubble within her as she eyed his chest that gently rose and fell in sync with his even breathing.

She had received close to no sleep at all the night before and as it came right after the night of her travel, it could be expected for exhaustion to weigh down on her like an anchor. But opposite enough, she actually felt peaceful and very well rested for the first time in months.

A sigh left her lips as she recounted yesterday's events and she couldn't be any happier that she had made that last minute decision to fly off to her boyfriend. It couldn't be denied that anxiety had claimed her the moment she voiced out her question. True Harry still did have some reservations and it had taken quite some time for them to lay down all their cards and settle their differences. But Selena could not deny that everything had been more than worth her troubles.

Their night had been filled with stolen kisses, teasing touches, whispered promises and of course the unadulterated, raw passion that only Harry can ignite and grant her. Selena could still feel the burn in her skin where he so unabashedly worshipped her. It was just truly indescribable how their bodies could make up for whatever disparity ensued between them.

A buzz from her left side disrupted her thoughts. Glancing to make sure Harry's sleep lay undisturbed, Selena then took her phone from the drawer of the bedside table. Propping herself up for a better sitting position, she clutched the covers to hide her chest then unlocked her phone to search for new messages only to find none which was odd, until she saw the piling notifications from her twitter account.

Selena rolled her eyes deciding to ignore it since it was probably another usual tweet of hate to her.

They probably know I'm in Dubai already.

But just as she was about to toss it back a couple of notifications alerted her again which admittedly nudged her curiosity. Come to think of it, the threats she did receive from them every day never got to this amount. Bracing herself she decided to take a little peek, knowing that whatever loathing they threw her way would do nothing to alter her current mood.

But no matter how much she readied herself, the brunette was still left totally flabbergasted as she stared at the tweets that was very much the opposite of what she was expecting. Each tweet contained inspiring and adoring messages of encouragement that had her momentarily confused, until she found the root cause that had triggered all the emotional support; thus having her shock intensified.

A picture of her had been uploaded by her boyfriend most likely late last night as she was already fast asleep. The covers were raised up to her cheeks, giving no hint of her nudity. But it wasn't the image that had caused her surprise, it was the caption underneath.

Harry_Styles @Selena_Gomez Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you...

It was a line from their song night changes.

There were no words that could summarize how happy she felt at this moment. It was completely overwhelming. She remembered his warnings yesterday, how he would be helpless on defending their relationship from his management. But this simple message was more than enough proof that he was finally ready to fight and go against them, even if he lands himself in trouble.

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