Chapter 4

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"Oh" was the only thing that left Selena's lips. She was struck speechless at the sincerity of Harry's admittance; sure it was just a sandwich but hell she'd be lying if she said that she didn't find the simple gesture sweet.

A throat clearing behind her caught both her and Harry's attention as they looked at Josh whom they both seemed to have momentarily forgotten. "Here are your sandwiches, do you want anything else?" he asked, as one hand placed the food on the counter while his other was scratching his head.

"What would you like to drink?" Harry asked, his attention on her again.

"Water's fine"

"Two bottled waters please and you can keep the change" Harry said glancing back at Josh.

After paying for their meals and muttering their thanks, Harry grabbed it with both hands then turned to her a smile on his lips once again as he asked "Let's go have dinner yeah?"

"Sure" Selena muttered, smiling also.


The two sat a few feet from each other at the bench while eating their meals with a comfortable silence engulfing them. There were still a few people passing by across the street but thankfully for the curly haired lad, none seemed to notice his identity.

Selena was stealing a few glances at her companion, still finding it hard to believe that he, Harry Styles of all people had just bought her dinner and chose to eat with her when he could have just gotten home and left her behind especially since she was well aware that prying eyes could see them and might start telling the wrong stories; God knows where the paparazzi get their crazy ideas. Selena didn't know a lot of things about the lad since it was never a habit of hers to go googling about celebrities, even those she liked, but if she could tell one thing about Harry Styles it's him being an absolute gentleman.

"You know it's rude to stare, yeah?" Harry asked a smirk on his face, turning to face the brunette as they both finished eating.

Selena's cheeks pinked at being caught, but cheekily replied nonetheless as she turned to face him as well "Damn and I thought I was being discreet, turns out I can't be a paparazzi after all."

Harry laughed and replied "It seems not love, but you don't have to be."

"Oh and why's that?"

"Because I can just always give you a picture of mine" Harry replied giving her a flirty wink.

Selena flushed a deeper shade of red thinking 'Damn Styles it doesn't help already that you're too cute, so why do you have to be flirty as well?' but being the stubborn girl that she is that never wants to back down, mentally shook her head and replied "Oh good, I'll just have it recopied multiple times so I can make a fortune"

"You wound me madam" he replied with an adorable pout on his lips.

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now