Chapter 30

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AN: Selena looks so damn hot!


Selena turned her head slowly from side to side, carefully inspecting her hair and make-up for any flaw. She had opted to keep her make-up minimal, donning nude lipstick, bronzer and highlighting her eyes with eyeliner. Her hair was sleek and pushed back in a low bun and had on a few gold accessories, trying to keep her look simple since her outfit was already enough of a statement. The 19 year old was actually quite nervous at first, doubting if she would be able to pull off such a sexy dress, but with enough encouragement from her friends, decided to try it anyways.

Her small blue and black dress, which she bought from their shopping spree some months ago, had an asymmetrical top that hugged her breasts quite nicely, showing a little bit of cleavage, the middle also squeezed her waist then accentuated her hips, complementing her figure. But her favorite part was the bottom; it was a little skirt that had a handkerchief hem that showcased her toned legs and finished it off with some pumps, all in all the lass felt quite satisfied enough that she seemed to look acceptable already. The lass was however disrupted from her inspection as she heard the click of a camera behind her and turned, only to be greeted by a smirking Zoey.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"Hell no, why would I do that? I was taking a selfie you know?" Zoey said sarcastically, earning her an eye roll from the brunette.

"You look good by the way"

"Thanks, as you do love" Zoey replied with a wink.

"Hey Zoey can you please zip me up an - whoa mamacita you are looking fine" Sophia said as she eyed Selena up and down, making the woman squirm and blush a bit.

"Thanks Sophia, I could say the same about you" Selena replied, feeling a bit insecure at the taller woman who looked gorgeous in a pink, lacy, strapless mini dress "Is my make-up okay?" Selena continued.

"Okay?! Trust me Sel, you are beyond okay" Sophia replied again, as Zoey finished helping her with her dress.

"Yeah, too bad curly and Irish are not here to see them sexies" Eleanor piped in who was donned in a black sheer number.

"Speaking of, are we not going to tell the boys where we're going?" Zoey asked.

"We'll just let them know that we're going out" Perrie said, announcing her appearance as she fixed her sexy purple dress that had a deep, plunging neckline.

"Okay, everybody ready?" Eleanor asked.

"Totally" Zoey remarked, while the others agreed with eager smiles on their faces.

"Okay, I'll just text our driver" Perrie said.

"We have a driver?" Selena asked as they all got their coats on.

"Of course love, because we are getting drunk tonight" Sophia answered, to which Selena can't help but grin, though she felt a bit sad that the boys weren't going to be able to join them, she can't deny the excitement pooling within her, knowing that this was going to be a night of fun.


After a day filled with meetings, photo shoots and interviews, the boys found themselves back at the recording studio, twisting and turning in their swivel chairs like five year olds. Harry paused and propped his feet up on the circular meeting table while waiting for Simon as he felt his phone buzz with a text. But just as he was about to open it their boss came in with papers in his hand, prompting him to drop his feet.

"Just sign these renewal contracts and you're free to go lads"

"That's it? We're done?" Louis asked disbelievingly as he checked his watch for the time, excitement apparent in his tone.

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now