Chapter 47

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From: Harry

Hey babe, sorry I wasn't able to take your call. Try to call you later. I love you.


Selena sighed as she re-read the hurried text that was sent 17 hours ago. Had it really been that long already? The brunette gave out another wistful sigh, tucking her phone on her back pocket only to take it out again and search for the same message.

She was currently seated on one of the chairs of the library while her things lay scattered on top of the table in front of her. A blank piece of paper was staring back at her, as if mocking her for her idleness. It wasn't her fault, she did try her best to be productive it just so happened that she felt uninspired. It was of course, unreasonable especially with her paper already due two days from now and they had already been given three weeks to prepare for it. She can't help it, her concentration continued to be elusive no matter how much she reminded herself to be focused, needless to say her entire three hours here at the library had been completely worthless as her mind always drifted back to him.

She missed him.

It had been three whole months since that undesirable meeting between the boys and their management took place; three whole months since everything fell out of place.

The depth of Harry's feelings for her remained unquestionable. But she wasn't stupid, even if the lad was keen not to divulge any bit of information to her about the meeting she knew the management was behind everything that had transpired for the last three months.

Zayn was no longer part of the band.

Her boyfriend was relentless on explaining to her that it wasn't her fault. It appears that Zayn quitting had already been discussed by the five boys together with Simon for the past seven months. Though he was thoroughly missed, there was no hatchet between the boys, contrary to the rumors swirling around. Their management did have flair for the dramatics after all.

It made Selena sick to the stomach to learn the true nature of the management. While they have been established to guide and protect artists, it seems Modest had completely vetoed from that purpose. Instead they fueled rumors to garner more sales. Harry had informed her that it was only during the latter years that Modest had started acting this way, since their contract was due for six years. They didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse that this marks their sixth year. True they looked forward to being free of them but having only a few months left with their agreement; it seems the management was intent on utilizing them fully as they now exerted their vilest attitudes.

It was completely revolting. But to her none could come close to the hatred she felt every time they set foot in between Harry and her. The boys rarely found spare time now as they found themselves jammed between commitments in a schedule that was tighter than ever before. It was actually a mystery to them how they were able to survive the past three months.

Even though the boys have been swimming in nothing but scandals and intrigues, the girls were very proud that they were able to fare better than anyone would have expected. The only thing that got compromised however, was their relationships; especially Harry and Selena's .

Selena put her pen down as her eyes scanned her work. It still wasn't finished but she was a bit glad that she had been able to pull herself together and stir her mind to the right direction; albeit with frequent images of curly hair and green eyes popping up. After stuffing her things in her bag, the brunette stood up and stretched, she had been crouched down for quite some time after all; blame her uncooperative mind.

Slinging her bag onto her shoulder, she then went out after fixing her area and walked at a steady pace. It was just roughly around four in the afternoon and Zoey would be finishing quite a bit late. Her football practice got cancelled, so she decided to take the tube, intent on going home early and maybe drop a text to Harry. She wasn't actually forbidden to do so; she just didn't want to be a bother to him. She knew her boyfriend had the tendency to be antsy when he was unable to reply immediately to one of her texts.

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