Chapter 26

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AN: You people are so freaking lovely! Unbelievable! :) Thank you!


Selena pinched the bridge of her nose as she struggled to memorize the last scene of Tristan and Isolde, frustration gripping her as the words kept getting jumbled in her fogged up brain. Sighing a bit, she placed the manuscript down for a while to take a sip of her coffee, grunting at its bitterness. It was just noon and she was already down to her third cup, she wasn't fond of it and knew perfectly well that she shouldn't be abusing the caffeine but it was all she could do to keep her eyes open but to no avail as her eyelids felt like they were made of steel. She had just finished her shift for the day, having it scheduled during the morning so as no to coincide with her classes that don't start until 1:30 pm today. Glancing at the clock it read 12:03, making her give out a disgruntled sigh.

Why does it feel like it's already 10 pm?

Selena grabbed another bite of her apple before going to the restroom, immediately cringing as she was able to take sight of her appearance at the mirror. Her eyes were rimmed with red and had black bags underneath, strands of hair escaped her ponytail and were obviously going haywire, and all in all it was not a pretty sight. But none of those were enough to capture her attention; it was her collar bone that was prominently sticking out, had she lost that much weight already? Selena frowned at the question in her head, calculating the last time she was able to have a decent meal, mentally scolding herself once realizing that she's been relying on just coffee and apple for the past 8 days. Giving another sigh, she proceeded to do her business and quickly washed her hands, not bothering with her looks just yet and went out to go back to where she came from. Her eyes were downcast as her head was bent a bit, her hand rubbing the back of her neck; she was just about to enter the staffroom once again when a piercing shriek erupted causing her to jump nearly six feet off the ground.

"Jesus Christ Zoey!" Selena hissed, a hand immediately going on her chest in an attempt to calm her frantic heartbeat. She was already feeling like shit, no need to start with the palpitations.

"Sorry Sel, you just gave me a heart attack"

Selena raised an eyebrow "I could say the same about you" she remarked sarcastically. "What's got you so worked up anyway" she continued as she was somehow able to gain a bit of her bearings.

"Duh" Zoey retorted matter-of-factly as if the answer was so obvious, then rolled her eyes as she continued when she was met with a questioning look by the brunette "Have you taken a look at the mirror lately?"

"Ha-ha hilarious"

"Well were you able to take notice of how pale you look?"

"I do?" Selena asked, suddenly dumbfounded. How was she not able to see that?

"You look like a ghost Sel and" Zoey paused as her eyes scanned Selena, the stern look on her face a dead giveaway that she was not pleased with what she was seeing "God, you're too thin"


"When was the last time you ate?"

"I-" Selena said, trailing off, not knowing how to answer the question, her eyes momentarily darting to the half-finished meal that was on the table but quickly averted her gaze so as not to be caught by the blonde, but was obviously too late as she saw the look that settled on Zoey's features.

"Coffee and apple? Please don't tell me that's your lunch!" Zoey scolded as she pointed a finger towards her best friend.

"Well I-"

Zoey groaned, cutting her off "Sel how long have you been going on like this? And don't lie to me, because the last time I saw you was just two days ago and already you look like you've lost two weeks' worth of weight!"

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