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As soon as the graduation ceremony had finished, Cassie and James had gone to St. Mungos. They couldn't wait another second. Neither of them wanted to participate in graduation but both of their parents had talked them into it, telling them they had regretted not doing it themselves, so they did just to stop listening to the nagging. 

James was holding Stella against his chest, rubbing her back as he stared at Cassie. "So like...it's our first night in the apartment tonight," He whispered. Cassie's eyes widened. "I know," She whispered. James looked down at his feet. "My mum wants to stay with us for a few weeks, after Stella comes up so she can help us," James mumbled. "If you're alright with it," He offered. Cassie nodded, smiling. "We're going to need all the help we can get," She joked. James smiled and nodded. "Perfect," He started to sway. 

"And I'm sure Gran or my mum would be fine with watching Leo for a little bit so your dad could stay too. I'm sure he knows a lot," Cassie nodded. "He brought they idea up to me a few times," She explained. James chuckled. "I should have known," He joked. 

There was a knock on the door and both teens looked up. "We figured we'd find you here," Harry said. Cassie sat up. "We missed her, sir," She said. Harry nodded. "That's reasonable. We were going to ask if you wanted to come to dinner but," Harry's eyes flickered to Stella. "We'll go without you guys," He whispered. James smiled. "Thanks, dad," He whispered. Harry nodded and stepped from the room. 

A few weeks later, they had taken Stella home. Her numbers had been exponential when they had carried her from the hospital and walked into their flat. Their families had agreed that it would be best to let them all be alone that first night. 

Cassie sat on the couch with Stella laying on her thighs. She smiled down at Cassie as she babbled around the dummy in her mouth. James smiled as he carried the two plates in his hand, balancing a bottle on top of one, over to the couch. Cassie smiled as she shook her head. "I don't think we need your mum. She's perfect," Cassie whispered. James set the plates down on the coffee table and leaned over, grabbing Stella's hand. "She is isn't she?" He asked. Cassie nodded. She  leaned back into the couch, shifting Stella as James grabbed the bottle and handed it to her. 

Cassie began to feed Stella as James picked the plates up and flicked the TV on. He grabbed Cassie's sandwich and held it out to her, allowing her to take a bit before setting it down and eating some of his own. Everything was perfect. He had both of his girls and everything that could harm them was nowhere near them. James smiled to himself and reached over, placing his hand on Cassie's thigh. 

"I love you," He whispered. Cassie smiled back. "I love you too," She said, reaching over and pecking his lips. "Enough to marry me?" James asked. Cassie nodded. "Yes," She looked back down at Stella. "Then do it, you coward," James joked. Cassie scoffed as she looked up. "What?" She asked. "Boom there's out next challenge. I bet you couldn't be a better wife than I could be a better husband," James said, leaning into the couch.

Cassie looked him over. "You're on, Potter," She said. James smirked to himself. "So that's a yes?" He asked. Cassie nodded. "That's a promise that I'm going to beat you," James chuckled, leaning into her face. "You wish," 

Cassie groaned when she heard Stella crying. She looked over at James as he threw the blankets back. "We definitely need your mum," She told him. James nodded as he slipped his glasses on and walked over to Stella's bassinet. 

"Yes, we know, your lungs are very healthy," He mumbled as he picked up a screaming Stella. James walked out of the room and into the kitchen. James balanced her in one arm as he started making a bottle. He shushed Stella as he began to bounce her. 

"Shh, little quaffle, it's alright," He mumbled. Stella's cries slowly quiet as she shrieked and reached her hands up at James. James looked down at her and smiled. "What?" He asked, amused. Stella reached her hands up and gripped James' glasses. He chuckled. 

"I need those to see, little one. Trust me if you inherited anything from me, you'll need them soon enough," James joked, wrestling the glasses from her hands. "Besides, you could hurt yourself with these," James slipped them back on and grabbed the bottle off the counter. He shook it and slipped it into Stella's mouth. 

She stared at James through wide eyes as he began rocking her. James felt arms slip around his waist and Cassie's chin was on his shoulder. "Is she asleep?" She mumbled. James shook his head. "No, she is wide awake. We may have to stay up later than we thought," He whispered. Cassie tilted her head and let her eyes fall open. "Okay," She whispered. For a minute James swore he heard Cassie snoring. 

"Cass," He whispered. Cassie's head shot up. "Hmm? What?" She asked. James chuckled, looking over his shoulder at her. "Nothing," He whispered. 

Ginny walked inside James and Cassie's flat to see James sitting on the couch with his head hanging backwards. Stella was in his arms and Cassie's head was in her lap. Ginny smiled as she walked over. "James," She whispered. James slowly opened his eyes and furrowed his brows. "What?" He asked. Ginny chuckled. "Why don't you let me take her and you two can go get in bed?" Ginny asked. James nodded and shifted, handing Ginny Stella. 

James looked down at Cassie and lightly shook her. She sat up and greeted Ginny, standing up and pressing a kiss to Stella's forehead before turning and walking out of the room. "Thanks, mum," James said before walking after Cassie. 

Ginny looked down at Stella and smiled. "You're lucky," She whispered. "Having parents who love each other and you so much," Ginny whispered, settling into the couch. 

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