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Kaya, Parcia's roommate, walks in with a plastic bag in her hand. Whereas Patricia serves the meal at the table, Kaya takes out a bowl, fill it with water and releases the fish from the plastic bag into the bowl. "You again bought something useless ?? Kaya gets a glance from Parcia. "But look at this, she is so cute!!" says Kaya as she plays with the fish. "How can I leave it there?" and so kaya takes the full responsibility of the fish. She would feed it, would change its water and slowly fell in love with the gold fish. few days later, kaya was leaving house for her date and parcia was given the duty to feed the fish for that night. Parcia was watching television and plans to feed the fish later and with it, opens a bottle of vine and sips throughout the entire show. However, she unknowingly fell asleep, and around midnight, she wakes up from her sleep. In her haste, she grabs the food for fish but before that, She trips over the carpet, hits the table, faints. The fish bowl also fell as a result of the accident, leaving the fish to die horribly. Next day, parcia finds herself in bed with a bandage around her head. Coming out of her room, kaya tells her to sit carefully. and continue by saying that last night, parcia was lying unconscious on the floor and everything was scattered...she was having some bad thoughts but thank god, nothing bad happened to her. " saying this, kaya puts forward a suggestion that she would handle the cooking and other household chores for the time being until parcia doesn't get better. and so Kaya began to look after Parcia. She was being provided everything at her bed. However, Parcia had begun to detect certain changes in her over time. She was losing her teeth one by one. and by stroking her own back, she discovered that her spine had gotten harder, sharper, and more apparent. When it came to eating, Parcia would swallow the food down without chewing. her behavior was changing bit by bit. that evening, kaya went out and parcia was home alone. She was reading a book when she became aware of a noise. As she sets the book down, she notices a cockroach darting back and forth. Normally, she would scream her lung out but this time, she jumps on it and as soon as she catches it, she ate it. with it, she looks for more insects while doing some horizontal movements with her eyes balls. but when she got tired eating, suddenly she feels very thirsty and no matter how much water she was drinking, she was still thirsty. Few hours later, Kaya came back and opens the front door. It was quite silent in the house and was sending out a very eerie vibe. Seeing the lights off forces her to call out parcia's name but she also doesn't answers back. and searching for her leads her to bathroom. at entering inside, she feels someone's presence. Behind the tub's curtains, something unexpected was waiting for her. at the go of one, two, three....she removes the curtains and......finds the parcia swimming in the tub but not the human looking parcia but a fish alike human with numbers of fins all over body, scales giving out a shiny look and two big bulging eyes moving horizontally. Witnessing parcia in this state, only these words come out of the kaya's mouth, "thank goodness...medicine worked !!"


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