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He has been studying in his room for the past eight days and will continue to do so for the next several days as well. He had already informed his mother that he wanted complete silence in the house. His food had been put outside his door by his mother. Summer had arrived, and the flies had begun to swarm the house. As a result, he would find flies in his food as well. He tells his mother to do some spray in the house. He doesn't want anything disturbing his studies, not even his mother's coughing. "Mom, take some medicines or do whatever you need to do to keep your voice down," son yells. Her coughing became inaudible after a while. At night when she comes to leave his meal, he slightly opens the door and sees only her one visible eye in the darkness of the house and he asks if she is okay?? On which she replies, "yes son,  i'm okay !! you go eat your food and study hard." In no time, silence has returned again in the house. but one problem he couldn't ignore was his meals were infested with flies. Finally, his exams were over, and he seemed to be pleased with his performance. But as he came out of his room, he saw that there were a lot of flies in the home. He calls for his mother. But he doesn't get a response; instead, he hears the deafening buzzing of flies. He enters the living room, where the buzzing was the most intense. All the flies were hovering around a pale motion less body of his mother's whose mouth and nose was tightly wrapped in bandages. Following the bad odor, along with the knife sharpening from the kitchen, he hears "Yes son, I'm coming with your meal".


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