6 - The rain

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The impetuous rain slammed on the windows of the large library, the dark clouds cover the sky, projecting the reverberation of thunder on the windows.

Sasuke entered the library,  and placing the register on the table.
Hinata chuckled as he took his seat in front of her.
- Hmm? - he mumbled.
- You know, Sasuke, you can be really nice when you want. -
He slightly frowned and she raised the ledge and smiled again. If she hadn't brought it to him, she would have had to go downstairs and pick it up herself. They worked in the Academy since last summer, last year, when the summer courses for new students had started.
Sasuke had been bringing it personally to the library since early January and now it was almost February.
But that day he decided to highlight that courteous action, pointing it out to him. Maybe he didn't even realize he had that side.
He wasn't as selfish as he thought of himself. It was gradual that improvement, it was so natural.
Sasuke remained silent and grabbed an annoyed book.
As his eyes rolled across the page, Sasuke quickly wondered if anyone had ever defined him that way. Of course not. Yet she could always use that convinced tone, when she spoke, as if the considerations she made were indisputable.
Hinata got up from the chair and pulled out of the zipper of her bag a plate wrapped in foil.
«Did you make them?» he asked calmly, when he saw some round biscuits.
Hinata nodded and took a seat next to him, moving the plate in the center, as if to encourage him to eat them.
Sasuke then gave her a puzzled look.
You knew he didn't like sweets, so why did you make them?
Slightly annoyed he curled his nose and took one between his fingers just so he could taste it and tell her how much they disgusted him.
«I have never seen anyone take so long to bring a biscuit in his mouth», she said, while Sasuke stared at the variety of round food.
«I observe the sugary food that I will spit in the plate soon» he answered, frowning a little.
Hinata let out a sigh and grabbed another cookie, watching him proudly.
«Don't worry, these cookies are full of cereal and since I now know what you eat, I didn't put much sugar. Try to believe.»
Sasuke raised an eyebrow and then bit into a small part of the cake, surprised not to feel disgust at all.
He still couldn't figure out how that girl could convince him so easily.
- What are you going to do tomorrow with the children? They haven't been out of here for days now, they'll be bored - she considered, yawning soon after.
- If it doesn't rain I'll take the three brats to the rock hills - , he turned his face, taking another biscuit.
Hinata without being seen, crinkled her lips in a smile as she watched him eat his sweets in all tranquility. He then saw her staring melancholy at the windows wet with rainwater.
- At least you can go around with them tomorrow, because once out of here I doubt we could go into the woods. Look at the weather - he felt something in his throat as he saw it drifting away, something that qualified as anguish.
For about two days, the evening rain had extinguished any intention of seeing each other in the forest. And both of them had found themselves greeting each other much earlier than expected, breaking their habitual encounters.

 And both of them had found themselves greeting each other much earlier than expected, breaking their habitual encounters

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