38 - Chrysanthemums ( Kiku )

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Apparently, it was no different day. The first rays of the June sunset flooded the library room, Hinata curled her lips, her eyes flowing through the lines of that book.
Perhaps this could be the solution to all his pains, perhaps in that way he would sublimate all the guilt that clouded the mind without the need to tear the skin.
Her long, straight, black hair sometimes covered her sight.
He quickly took the crown, pushing it back.
Sasuke looked up for a moment, pointing to Hinata who had been sitting in front of him for over an hour. His face in a few minutes had taken on a wave of expressions. He wondered what he was reading so excitedly, but the title of the book was covered by his fingers.
Perplexed, he resumed reading and did not worry about his state.
Hinata had never been exactly normal, in the broadest sense of the term, so she did not pay much attention to her continuous expressive changes.
They had been back together for almost two months, and after having had lunch with her twice in the open last week, the conversations of colleagues had continued. Even his pupil Haruka seemed to be jealous of his woman, perhaps because of some sort of childish attachment to her teacher. Not many people knew they were still together.

- Bastard, then your girlfriend was Hinata, why tell me after so long? - Naruto had screamed.

- Because you talk too much - Sasuke answered.

His ears still hurt from the yelling of the blond. He could not bear for long, Sasuke thought to Naruto, as a brother, this he admitted, but they were too different. He remembered when they were on the team together, Naruto was screaming, creating problems, he was an idiot who was saying bullshit, it was exactly the opposite. Hinata once had a infamous crush on Naruto, but Hinata looked like him. Sasuke thought that even if Naruto had noticed Hinata at that moment, those two, would not have formed a good couple, they were too different character. They turned each other off. He was surprised by his reflections. After all, the story with her had really made him evolve.

- Tomorrow we don't work - Hinata burst, picking it up from her thoughts.

- Hmm? - Sasuke muttered, looking up for a moment from his tome.

- I want to go to the cemetery in the early afternoon - he said, nibbling on my lips. - What do you think? -

- Bad idea - replied Icy Sasuke, turning another page.

- Why? -

- I don't want to see you cry - he told her firmly, as if it were obvious.

Knowing that she had just got an obvious answer, Hinata forced herself not to linger on her intentions.

- I can't keep running away from what scares me forever, Sasuke - he confessed bitterly. - I think the time has come to take this step - said Hinata, widening and narrowing the nostrils.

- Remember last year when you wanted to go to the mountains of Hokage, because you could not even think of entering the cemetery - Sasuke pulled it out in a cold tone.

Hinata twisted her hands under the table, as she always did when she was nervous. The year before the end of November, he had taken her up that hill and left, leaving her intimate moment. She was desperate, crying like a child, seeing her cousin's headstone from afar. He knew why Sasuke had such scruples about not accepting his demands.

- It's true, I haven't been to the cemetery in years, just the thought of seeing Neji's headstone has always made me sick. –

Sasuke carried her hair back with one hand, grabbing an elastic band with the other. Her hair had grown again, but she didn't want to cut it.

- Now what would have changed? - he asked her while waiting.

- I've changed and you know, I haven't stuttered for over a year and a half, I blush rarely, I'm stronger, and now I think I'm ready - Hinata I took a long breath, crossing his sharp eyes.

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