30 - Definitive

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The sky was full of clouds. In the second week of December, Sasuke's long silences engaged in reading books on books, began to arouse Hinata's suspicion. He did nothing else, even in his house he could see him in the chair next to the bed late at night reading. When she asked him what was the name of the student project that included all that research, he told her not to worry, he would show her everything once the data was collected. She nodded perplexed, struck by seeing him consult all those books, she knew that Sasuke was a genius with photographic memory, but she was exaggerating.

Sasuke had decided not to inflict further wounds, but to concentrate on that research and set a deadline, because it was not the case to lengthen her agony. Despite Hinata, was not free from guilt in that situation, because long before in his childhood idealization on Naruto had sinned selfishness towards what for her was a brother, he would have thought to clean it from the blood of that death. When he put his pen on the table, he looked up, Hinata looked at him with a questioning expression, and saw her slowly catch up with him.

- Sasuke - called him, and put a hand in his raven hair. - You are very busy with this research - he took his place on his legs, putting his forehead on his. - Can you tell me what this is specifically about? -

She was so light that she almost didn't feel it on he and the more Sasuke had that certainty the more wanted to get on with her plans.

- No - he replied, making her think she was falling off her legs.

Hinata chuckled when he picked her up again, giving her a mould kiss.

- Tell me, I want to know - Hinata pressed him, staring at him.

- Have you nothing to do today? - he asked. - If you don't stop, I'll teleport you with your beloved renegade. -

- No! - she exclaimed, agitated.

Sasuke laughed, breathing into her hair. They had returned sexually active that week, it had never happened in almost a year of history to be stopped for so long. He was so attracted to her.

- Let me finish here. -

Hinata took the notebook where the new books to be catalogued were marked, she was puzzled, she did not understand what was going on in Sasuke's head.

Deflecting those thoughts, he took his place in front of the desk, beginning to write.

In the late afternoon of December 27, Sasuke observed through his sharingan all the pages he had pinned to memorize

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In the late afternoon of December 27, Sasuke observed through his sharingan all the pages he had pinned to memorize. When she felt her approach, he turned her power off.

- Sasuke? - She called Hinata, as soon as she crossed the threshold of her house.

He appeared like a flash behind her and she winced so much that she screamed out a tiny scream.

- Afraid? - he asked, grinning.

Hinata had taken a blow. Sasuke grabbed her life as he approached her face.

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