36 - Slowly revealed secrets (part one)

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Hinata still near the gate of the Academy, fought to keep on her head the hood of her sweatshirt, long and black hair hit by the wind slapped her face.

Sasuke was next to her, with her black cloak on her shoulders and the smooth strands of her hair moving violently backwards, revealing her purple and black forehead and eyes. In contemplation he looked at the sky with an enigmatic expression, they had to hurry to reach a shelter before flying like the branch that had detached from the tree not far from them.

- What do we do? - Hinata shouted to be heard, seeing all the outside noise.

- Come - he told her resolutely, extending his arm, waiting for her to reach him. - I will use the renegade No. We have no alternative. -

Hinata approached to Sasuke. She did not like being teleported with the renegade whenever she happened to feel her stomach in turmoil. For this reason, despite having been together as a couple for almost a year, she could count on her fingertips the times when she had accepted that medium. She had always preferred Garuda to that annoying teleportation, but at that time that option could certainly not be evaluated, returning to the Academy was even less. She grabbed the bag and he squeezed all the envelopes, putting them between them so as not to risk losing them on the trip.

He did not want to deprive himself of what those ladies had given him, given the care he had taken to bring him back. Hinata noticed that gesture and smiled at him, then together they jumped into the black hole.

So they went into that house that he had built apart from the others, that house where no one had died. For a moment Hinata felt her head spinning and a slight nausea, then slowly moving away from him, she took several deep breaths.

- Was it terrible this time too? - Sasuke asked.

- The first time is always the worst - said Hinata.

- Unforgettable - Sasuke remarked. - Since he almost vomited on me. -

She chuckled and he shriveled his lips.

Outside you could clearly hear the creaking of the rotten wood of the rest of the decaying buildings.

Hinata found herself looking around, there was the only armchair, the fireplace, the bookcase, the painting she had done in mid-September and that he had hung behind the sofa, pleasing her.

Something was vibrating in her belly.

It was mid-April and he hadn't been home since late December. Sasuke, after leaving everything in the kitchen, returned to her, Hinata looked vacuous. His eyes seemed to absorb every flicker of the lamps, passing from silver to pale gold, protected by a layer of long and defined eyelashes, sincere when you look at it, always authentic. His plunge into comfort.

Sasuke grabbed her hand and in a moment Hinata found herself on him, in a human cage. His hands were anchored behind his shoulder, he felt his warm breath near his cheek. A thunder rang in the house, and at that moment, Sasuke tightened Hinata's life even more.

- Welcome back, Hinata  - murmured Sasuke.

Hinata squinted, those were the most beautiful words Sasuke could say to her. It was surreal to be in his house again. 

- Sasuke - Hinata said.

He inhaled his perfume, closing his eyes, how much he loved his sweet voice that called him, he wanted to hear it again and again.

 - Who did you spend these three and a half months with that is, did you happen to see someone? - asked Hinata. - Did you sleep with another woman? I want to know.-

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