17 - Percezion

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It had only been three months since the beginning of the relationship with her. He didn't understand what the poison ivy was for him, maybe sometimes it was a relief to have it, but he would never admit it to himself. A slight breeze hit his hair as he and Sai headed out of Konoha.

- Master Sasuke, are we far away? - Haruka complained.

- You consider the fatigue you are experiencing as training - Sasuke replied, continuing.

Too bad your pupil's whining caused more.

- I'm tired too, master Sai - said the black-haired student, whose name was Midori.

- I too - I have heard the other students almost in chorus.

Sasuke looked at Sai breathing out. Without saying a word, they stopped, understanding instantly. They had made those children walk for many hours straight, neither he nor Sai felt tired, but their students at that rate would collapse before they even got there. They laid their backpacks, seeing the children almost faint on the grass. Sasuke looked up at the sky. It was Monday of the second day of May. It was strange to think that I had become a teacher for a year, it was strange to think of living in Konoha all that time.

Itachi had sacrificed himself to see him reinstated and was doing his best to accommodate him. Sasuke got the tape of his life back. At the age of nine, when after the extermination of his clan he was left alone, he had looked at the world with his eyes turned off.

There was no longer his mother to worry about him, his father was not there to talk to him about their great lineage, his brother had killed all those who loved him. Only when he joined team seven did he find relief from his past.

His teacher Kakashi at the time, although he was strange and perverse, always with those porn books in front of his eyes was formidable as ninja, in fact now he had also become Hokage, Naruto the noisy blond with blue eyes made so much noise to distract him from his dark thoughts, and even Sakura who found it annoying because, she was in love with him had been a comfort. At that time, thinking that Itachi hated him, he had clung to his team, because in reality he had no one left. Overcome by hatred, he then went to the dark side, yielding to the germ of revenge and following that powerful and treacherous ninja who was Orochimaru. He was sorry at the time to never see his old team again. He was sorry not to hear even the raids of his master Kakashi, he was sorry not to have to deal with his rival Naruto. They had similar origins, they were both orphans. The difference was in their characters, Naruto was an extrovert who could easily communicate with people, he was cheerful, noisy, always laughing. It was the opposite, not good at communicating, grumpy and closed, too introverted.

After he went mad after learning the truth about his brother, his psychic state had collapsed, madly thinking he wanted to destroy Konoha who had taken everything from him.

Then Itachi rose for a short time.

His brother told him that he wanted to see the world through the eyes he had given him.

And so he managed to get the eternal Sharingan, escaping the risk of becoming blind.

When, after helping Naruto win the war, and losing against him he found himself without a purpose and without an arm, he had decided to go away to atone, not knowing how to do it. Only after more than a year he had returned to Konoha. Then he had decided to accept the reconstruction of the limb, Itachi would have wanted it, but the darkness had enveloped him, and the nightmares continued. The world she saw was dark, not like what she might have wanted her brother to see.

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