37 - Slowly revealed secrets (part two)

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Sasuke looked up at the sky. It had been almost two weeks since he had returned with Hinata and that was a meeting that he could no longer avoid. The sun died on the horizon, as it walked the road that separated it from the office of its former master. The air was warm and pleasant on the face. Retrace what Hinata told him when they finally got back together.

The first time I talked to you about working at the Academy, I did it because I thought that helping you would also be better, because I wanted to atone through you who were my mirror.

Instead, she had kept her by her side only not to be swallowed by boredom, her life at that time was really pathetic, just as she had returned to being, when she had separated from her poison ivy.


He saw her every day, in the afternoons, sometimes in the everything, was like old times. He greeted a ninja whose name he did not remember, with an imperceptible nod of the head and entered the room of the sixth Hokage. Kakashi was sitting in his hands the his perverted book. Surely now that he had not been checked he had pulled out again, there was too much paperwork around him to even think about reading anything else. How would that idiot of Naruto do the Hokage? He just thought to be accepted, did not think about the job that was behind. He didn't know shit, who knows if he'd keep his promise, help him clean up the corruption system that gave the order to slaughter an entire clan? He crossed the dark eyes of the Sixth Hokage.

- Kakashi - said cold.

- Sasuke - said the his ex teacher, looking at his book from behind. - To what do I owe your visit? -

- You know - he replied bluntly, standing a few feet from his table.

- But I want to hear it from you - the Sixth Hokage pressed him, rising.

Sasuke saw him circling.

- I don't think I have heard anything yet - said Hokage.

- Cut to the chase, Kakashi.-

- I seem to have heard wrong, I expected different words - put his hand close to the ear.

Sasuke breathed deeply, then lifted his face.

- You did a good job of undoing the effect of the memory distortion I put Hinata through - he blew ice cold.

Kakashi supposedly drugged himself, looking at the imperturbable face of his pupil.

- You know, Sasuke, when I told you in December that you can't take away people's memories of pain, I really meant - said Kakashi. - I didn't think you would manipulate the mind of your own girlfriend. -

- Hmm.-

- And I didn't know that you cared so much to the people - said the Sixth Hokage, smiling under the mask.  - You are very much in love with Hinata Hyuuga, for doing that such a thing, right? - 

- Kakashi - he said dry.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, deciding to leave, then stopped, staying behind.

- You don't seem strangely surprised that Hinata Hyuuga is my woman - she spoke monotonously.

- How do you think you were able to get out and go back with her to the village undisturbed the whole time you were together? - asked Kakashi.

- Hmm? -

- All those missions that you have asked me finally have assumed a sense now - it has continued to say the sixth Hokage, before putting itself in front of the dark figure of his pupil. - You were running away from your beloved girlfriend? -

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