21 - Off-road ( second part)

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Sasuke stood there, the hand of Sakura holding his arm. He looked at her with his usual face of stone.

- Hmm - he mumbled.

– Hello - she greeted him blushing. - I finished the work shift, I thought to take a walk, do you want to join me? - asked him in a soft voice.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. Sakura think he'd like to walk with she? It was exhausting having her around, she couldn't take it anymore. His atonement did not involve giving in to his flattery. He was not interested in her, he never would have been, it was one thing to prove civilized in the complete repentance of his past attempts to kill her, another was to give her credit on other demands.

- Sasuke, then? - Sakura pressed him.

He took a long breath. The night before he had already imagined replacing the chandelier. And it really was better for her to stay away from him, because every glimmer of endurance was over. Sakura was seriously risking her life again. It was better for her to get away.

- Sakura - said monotonous. - I thought I was clear the last time. -

- What are you talking about? - squealed Sakura.

- Between you and me there will always be a clear and insurmountable boundary - he blew with a hard voice.

Sakura's eyes began to shine, and Sasuke became increasingly irritated. Maybe to get rid of her, he had to catch the kind of kindness the weed ivy told him he was capable of.

- I love you, Sasuke - she said fervently. - Let me teach you to love again. -

How boring, Sasuke thought. Had he already broken the friendship comedy? Sakura was worse than a nursery rhyme with those superficial statements of his.

- Now listen carefully - Sasuke said to her in a cold, calm voice. - I'm your friend, that's it. You're a 20-year-old woman now, you have a future ahead of you. I am sure that by valuing you you will soon find someone who can love you and make you happy. Do it for yourself, grow. -

He had no time to waste with Sakura, there were no other words he could say to her, and perhaps that was the longest speech she had given her since meeting her.

He had no time to waste with Sakura, there were no other words he could say to her, and perhaps that was the longest speech she had given her since meeting her

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Sakura saw Konoha's prettiest boy turn his back on her like he always did in those years, but he didn't say a word. Sasuke had surprised her with his friendly speech, he had also understood that he had not given up on him and had advised her to stop chasing him.

Sakura stopped, feeling the dryness of herself and the emptiness she had not been able to fill for years.

Maybe he was wrong to keep up with him too much, maybe he just had to wait, he had to be patient and use a new way, maybe he would notice it, change his approach.

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