Chapter 8

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By L.M.Taurus


24 hours before headline

Leonie Kaiser's alarm went off. She reached out from under the covers and tried to grab it, but it fell on the floor. She groaned. She pulled the covers off as the obnoxious alarm kept ringing from the floor.

"I'm up," she said to no one particularly. She stood up, grabbed the alarm and shut it off. She stared at the 4:01am on the clock before setting it on the table.

She went through all of her morning routines and was done at 4:47am. She grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat at her kitchen table. On the table there was an old newspaper with a section on it highlighted. It read 'Leonie, like Arlo, is one of the members who are lucky to be part of the team because if it wasn't for the rest, they wouldn't be world military leaders.'

She was about to crumble the paper, but stopped. She was using it as motivation to prove everyone wrong. She's not the weak link in Esme Cyr's squad. She had to keep the paper as a reminder to better herself.

She went outside and made her way to the local gym. She did her usual cardio and weight lifting at the gym and was back home right before 8am. She took a shower and got dressed in a purple suit and tie. This was her uniform as a world military leader when not in armor. Girls usually had a skirt but Leonie preferred the pants.

Leonie arrived at headquarters just as Esme Cyr did.

"Good morning, Leonie?" yawned Esme who was out of uniform.

"Morning," said Leonie. "Wasn't expecting you here this early."

The two women made their way inside. "I'm off to an early start today. I received a letter from Luan yesterday. Apparently he needs my help in Canada."

"Anything serious?"

"Seems like their citizens aren't happy with the refugees. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle. What brings you in so early?"

"My next assignment. I'm bringing medical supplies to Haiti. We're going to restock their hospitals."

"How are things going in Haiti? I haven't been back since the storm."

Leonie hesitated. "Things seem to be going a bit slow."

Esme stopped. "Really? Why?"

Leonie stopped. "Everything is just arriving slowly. Most places aren't really donating supplies. I personally had to show up and ask for the medical supplies to get it. I've had it all gathered here at headquarters and we're delivering it to Haiti today."

"That's strange. Do people not have the supplies or do they just don't want to help?"

Leonie scoffed accidentally.

"People don't want to help?" asked Esme, surprised.

"I'm not sure about everyone, but the Dominican Republic, the country that shares the island with Haiti, they refuse to help. To be fair, they say they don't have the resources for it. They did also get hit by the hurricane."

"I thought they didn't get hit hard like Haiti."

"They are a small country. The one that really irritates me is the one who is supposed to govern these countries."

"Remind me who that is?" said Esme. "I forget. I know the Caribbean has been split between three countries, North America, Mexico and Brazil."

"Mexico is in charge of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. And they have done absolutely nothing to help."

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