Christmas Eve Formalities

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Dylan's POV

Glancing at my phone, I see that it's 9:05pm. I wake up, and push out my chair. Mateo looks to me and I nod. Mateo leaves to tell the DJ to stop the music and comes back with a microphone.

I clear up my throat to inform my people that we're about to start the formalities now. Every year I do something different, where we all can participate in and have fun with.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the yearly traditional Romano Christmas Eve celebration we host. It's my pleasure to announce, that I'm indeed proud of each and every one that works for me. You all have done an outstanding job daily and this organisation wouldn't be the success is it, without every single one of you that's in it. I look forward to the fun, joy and entertainment planned. I hope you enjoy, thank you. I'll be passing the mic to Luca." I hand the mic down the table to Luca.

He thanks me and stands up. "hello everybody, how are you tonight because I'm really excited!" He yells and in response hypes up everyone as they scream happily back.

"As you all know, this year is different. Not only do we have new recruits but our Don found his love!" Everyone cheers and claps their hands energetically. "Not only that, but my friends and I, have also found our love" I watch as the guys look to their girls with admiration and love.

"So without further or do, we're starting this party off with some professional entertainment. They say don't play with fire, but tonight, that's exactly what they are going to do! Let's welcome The Fire Power!" The crowd starts clapping, going wild, and I see about 20 men come out shirtless.

They hold up kevlar and whips that are on fire distributing themselves into the crowd. I have huge screens all over the venue for those who aren't in the front to see the entertainment with their own eyes successfully. It's also because there's so much people here, that they can't possibly even be able to hear me or see me at all, therefore I've installed screens all over that are on full volume and are viewable.

One of the dancers come up to us at the front and I see the guys uncomfortable. The dancer winks at Madelyn and then Shantel. I clench my jaw and hold myself back from doing anything to disrupt the evening. "You piece of-" Luca quickly puts his hand over Leonardo's mouth to keep him from saying anything disrespectful.

About about 2 more minutes the dancers finish and go back out. "I'll come find you later beautiful" the dancer winks to Madelyn and I see her look at me nervously. I'll definitely find him later.

"Alright, well that was quite the show, am I right?" A whole bunch of yells and shouts of "yes!" "Hell yeah!"  Erupt from the crowd and Luca chuckles on the mic. "Well, that isn't all for tonight. We have waiters coming around to take the piece of paper placed on your respective plates. Please tick the starter, main course and dessert of your choice, and give it to them. In a little moment, they will come back out with our starters and we'll proceed with the next entertainment planned." Luca pulls the mic away from his mouth and huffs out.

"That was so much to say" he breathes out. "Well, I enjoyed the fire dancers" Shantel says and I see Leonardo stiffen. "What did you say?" He asks her to repeat herself. I myself, am very uncomfortable with the professionalism of these dancers.

"Oh hush Leonardo, let the girl drool. They weren't bad at all" Zolia speaks up. Now Lorenzo looks furious. "you are my girlfriend" he grits out. This only earns a visible eye roll from Zolia as she sips her water.

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