Nothing, just an inCHident (part 1)

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It was now 2012 he was now 15 years old , at Val d' Argenton for the WSK euro series. It was a rainy summer day and the track would definitely be slippery. This was one of the first championships he entered that really could take his career as a racing driver somewhere. Ofcourse everything he did before in the last 7 years had led him to this. But this was the real deal, a sponsored championship with the big teams in the field.

He had seen his components come and go the last couple of years. Most of them not getting to the benchmark in their class. Only a couple of them were still racing each other after those years. Anthoine, Dave, Beitske, Charles and himself had gotten this far.
Him and Charles mostly being in front in the classes that they were in.

But their relationship had changed since that spring day in 2005.
In the beginning they seemed to be getting along very well. A beautiful friendship blossoming. But the more they raced each other the more they grew apart, they were now more at each other's throats than anything else. Their rivalry leaving no space for a potential blossoming friendship when the races were done.

Today was perfect prove of that. Max thought to himself. He had been in pole position and had been leading the race from there when The Monegask had tried to push him to the inside of the right hand corner to make the pass. Ofcourse Max couldn't let that happen so he drove his kart to the most left line on the track, a little bit of the racing line so That the Monegask couldn't pass him in the next corner. This resulted in Charles steering to the right , but because it was raining the slippery track made him spin. This had let to Charles falling back to p7. When they reached the chequered flag Max was still first and Charles miraculously had recovered in p2.
They were now driving the cooling down lap and when he was approaching the double right hander he saw Charles appearing on his right side, his hand mimicking that he was annoyed with him while looking at him. Almost hearing him say: 'what the hell did you do?!' Max was staring back at him cause he couldn't believe this guy, he wasn't at fault. He just did what the Monegask did to him a corner before. He thought to himself.
But before he knew it he felt his kart slipping from under him, he noticed he had gone on the wet white line and when he tried to steer in to the corner he had no grip whatsoever. What made him go straight off the tarmac , On to the grass In to a huge puddle that was next to the track. Even though Max was wearing his waterproof suit he felt the water coming up to his hips, being now completely wet from the waist down he was fuming with anger for the Monegask.

When he arrived back at the paddock he made a beeline with his father to their van so he could change in dry clothes but before they got there a journalist walked with him and asked him 'Max, Max, what happened?'while walking further down the paddock max answered the man 'no, he's just unfair! I'm leading, he wants to pass, he push me, I push him back and after he push me of the track. It's not fair right!?' He said slightly annoyed. While he walked further down the paddock the man thanked him and stopped following him. The man than walked back to the pits were Charles was. And asked him about what had happened. Charles had said :' nothing, just an inCHident... on the race' while shaking his had at the reporter before walking away.

Max had heard from his friend Dave what the Monegask had said and he was absolutely fuming. How could this idiot think that this was a racing incident when it happened after the race? To make matters worse he heard that they both got disqualified in the end. Him for 'apparently' pushing Charles of the track during the race and the Monegask doing the same right after.

After the barbecue that had been held he decided to look for his rival and give him a piece of his mind on everything that had happened today. He found the brown haired boy sitting on one of the grandstands next to the track sitting all by himself.
He cleared his throat to make his presence know.
The Monegask turned his head in surprise of his Dutch rival standing there. Max started: 'what was that out there today? Fighting on track is one thing, but you completely destroyed my engine today with sending me in to that puddle, leclerc!' He said angrily while bawling his fist trying to contain his anger. The Monegask had now stood up aswell and was closing the distance between them while responding with his French accent, even more strong now : 'me? Really Verstappen? You started this, I was just faster then you today, so when I overtook you, you just couldn't stand it and took me out the dirty way, just like you always do. I'd better call you crashtappen from now on.' Max felt himself fuelling with rage, he once again took a step forward toward Charles. 'Come again, what did you say? If I'm the one that is apparently always crashing, why is it that I'm almost always first in the championships and you never get out of being second?' He knew that was a low blow cause to be fair Charles had won a lot in the classes hè competed in but Charles had asked for it with that crashstappen comment.
He felt the Monegask closing the gap between them , their faces almost touching. Feeling his warm breathe smelling like barbecue sauce on his face. 'You better watch your mouth Verstappen.' The Monegask had responded. 'Or what Charles?' He has responded a mischievous grin playing on his lips while staring intensely in the green/golden eyes of the boy in front of him. Charles had stared back at him, wanting to give him his piece of mind but he suddenly lost what he had wanted to say as he starred back in to the Dutchman's blue irises. At one hand the tension was rising between them on the other the anger seemed to fade away. Their noses were now touching and they breathed in each other air neither one of them breaking away. 'Max, I...I...' while they inched closer to each other. Charles had started closing his eyes in the process, before they immediately stepped away from each other when they heard max's dad shouting his name from far away.

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