I don't know what happend

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Ever since Charles had returned from Maranello Charles had seemed sad and a little bit more distant. In two days the couple would leave for Austria, the first race of the season. So Max had decided he wanted to enjoy a little peace and quiet together before they would engulf in the craziness of racing again. He also hoped he could take Charles mind of the state of his car for a little while.

He had planned a nice walk and picnic together, to their favourite abandoned spot on top off the hill. With its beautiful view over the City and the Mediterranean Sea. A place that marked their first steps in to their relationship back in 2017. A key moment where they got indefinitely closer. This moment was almost 3 years ago already. He couldn't help but smile thinking back of his favourite memories as he packed his bag with the stuff he needed for their picknick.
He was proud, they had grown so much, also together.

Charles by now had returned from the gym and as he  came in to the appartement he had quickly pecked Max's lips before he made his way towards the shower. After about half an hour he entered the room again, sweatpants hanging around his waist as he was still drying his hair with a towel.

'Hey babe, can you put on some comfortable clothes for walking?' Max asked his boyfriend.
'Why?' Charles replied curiously.
'We're going on a hike' He smiled at him.
'But we still need to pack our bags for Austria?' He replied.
'We can do that tonight, right now let's enjoy a little bit of piece and quiet together?' He smiles wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
'Yeah okay I can do that' Charles had smiled back at him. Before he turned to make himself ready.

The couple had been walking along the trail for about an hour when they reached the top, Charles went to sit on 'their' rock as he looked out over the sea his water bottle in hand. Oblivious to Max spreading out a blanked and placing everything he packed for their picknick on it.

'Max how late do you have...' Charles started as he turned around. 'What are you doing?' He then changed and asked.
'Come sit' Max smiled as he patted on the space on the blanket beside him. 'It's a date'
'But what if anyone sees us?' Charles questioned.
'Have you ever seen anybody here schatje?'
'No' Charles said hesitant.
It's true their particularly space on the hill was very secluded from the main hiking trail hidden behind trees And bushes. The only time they ever found someone here was when they both were out on that Run in 2017 were afterwards they talked for hours. They found each other.

Charles went to sit next to him though still a bit hesitant. As Max handed him a sandwich and he started to take little bites of it as he kept his eyes fixated on the sea in front of him.

Max noticed his boyfriend's mood so he tried to cheer him up.
'Charlie, I know you haven't felt good the last couple of days, but like I said you will out drive that car, I'm sure of it!' He said as he placed a gentle kiss on the monegasque's cheek.

But as he pulled back a little he felled Charles tremble a little underneath him. 'Charlie what's wrong?' He asked as he pulled back a little bit more to look at him. That's when he saw a tear rolling over his boyfriends cheek, glistening in the summer sun.
'Lief?' He asked as Charles turned to him.
'I'm sorry Maxy, but I can't' he said as he stood up an whipped away the tear from his face.

'You can't do what?' Max asked following his boyfriend's movements, also standing up next to him. His eyes glazing over with a unsettling feeling in his stomach.

'I can't do this' the monegasque mimics with his hand between them.
'What Charles? What?' He asked him again his voice trembling, tears burning behind his eyes.
'Us' Charles sighed before continuing with a broken voice. 'I-I , Max I- I think it's better if we break up' tears forming in his golden green eyes.

Max felt his whole world spiralling, what was happening? This couldn't be happening right? RIGHT?!

'W-what are you talking about, Charlie?' He managed to stutter out. 'What—W-what Changed?' Max felt sick, all life drained from his body, where did this come from?

'We-we can't, I just can't do this anymore' the monegasque cried. 'All the things that happend to us have proven that!'
'B-but why?' Max asked as he grabbed the wrist from the monegasque trying to get answers why this was happening now, so out of the blue.

As he didn't get a answer he looked up in Charles's eyes again. Met with his beautiful eyes, green mixed with golden yellow. The eyes he loved to stare in so long and deeply. They were beautiful as ever, but Max noticed they were dull, though glossy from tears as well. Max hadn't seen the empty expression in his eyes since spa 2019.

The look in his eyes changed something in Max, this wasn't really what Charles wanted, was it?! Why would he look so dull in saying so? To Max, the things they had been through hadn't proved them to stop, it showed them they were strong and could handle anything together. And people supported them to.

In a last plea to try to Convince his lover he placed his right hand on Charles's cheek whipping away the tears that gathered their with his thumb as he held the monegasque's hand with his other. Never breaking the eye contact. His voice cracked when he spoke.
'Charlie, you are everything to me, and you will always be everything to me, so please say you'll don't forget about me, about us. Say you'll see me again even, even if it's just pretend. Or in just wildest dreams, I don't care, just please promise me Charlie you won't forget us... you won't forget me'

When he finished he let go of an audible sob that he has been holding in for longer then he probably should have. He looked in his eyes for what felt like a eternity, but when he didn't get a reaction he looked down and let his hands glide from Charles's hand and face.

When he turned around, ready to walk away, run away even. Charles grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, turning him around looking straight in to Max's ocean blue eyes. He grabbed Max face and kissed him, full force, full of love for all he felt for the man in front of him before ending the kiss and putting their foreheads together.

He took a deep breath before he started. 'Max, I will always remember you and remember us, cause you are everything and always be everything. It... it's just... in this life we can't be...' with that he let his hand fall from Max's face, on to his shoulders sliding down to his hands, he gave his hands one last squeeze , closing his eyes for a second, their heads still together, biting away his tears. 'Je t'Aimé , Max c'est pourquoi je te laisse partir' (I love you Max, that's why I'm letting you go)

After that sentence he let go of Max, he ran away, letting his tears fall.

Now Max stood alone in the top of the hill, looking over the Monte Carlo skyline, the moon that had come out by now reflecting on the sea. Staring in the distance to where Charles ran, after that everything was a blur.

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now